ProjectWise Administrator Help

Setting Up the ProjectWise Database and ODBC Datasource

When you are setting up the main ProjectWise server, before you install any ProjectWise software, you should set up the database for your ProjectWise datasource. While this section does not attempt to instruct you how to create your database, or the ODBC datasource, it does cover certain ProjectWise requirements for each supported database. See your respective database's documentation for relevant database instructions.

  1. Install a supported version of Oracle Database or SQL Server. See the Requirements section of the ProjectWise readme (C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\readme_ProjectWise.chm) for the list of supported databases and drivers.
  2. In Oracle Database or SQL Server, create one database for each ProjectWise datasource you plan to create. This database will contain the ProjectWise database tables, which get created when you create the ProjectWise datasource.
  3. ProjectWise supports languages that use multi-byte characters, and therefore requires that the database engine used by ProjectWise support Unicode data storage.

    SQL Server automatically supports Unicode, and requires no special action. For Oracle databases, you must manually set the database Character Set and National Character Set encodings. These values are typically defined when installing the Oracle database software and creating a new Oracle database, although they may be changed on a running database with some effort (see your Oracle documentation). The two encodings most typically used in Oracle are UTF8 and AL32UTF8; see your Oracle documentation for information regarding which character set you should use when creating the database.

    If you will be running ProjectWise against an existing Oracle database, you need to verify that the database NLS character set parameters are set for Unicode. This information is found in the NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS table.

  4. All connections to the database are supported by an ODBC connection from ProjectWise Integration Server to the database. Therefore, after creating a database in Oracle or SQL Server, you must create an ODBC datasource which points to that database. The ODBC datasource/driver must exist on the same computer on which you install ProjectWise Integration Server. Make a note of the name you give the ODBC datasource, as you will need to select it from a list of available ODBC datasources when you are creating your ProjectWise datasource.
  5. ProjectWise Integration Server is a native 64-bit application, therefore you must use the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator when creating an ODBC datasource, rather than the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator as in earlier releases.
  6. When using SQL Server, make sure that when configuring your ODBC datasource you turn OFF the setting, Use regional settings when outputting currency, numbers, dates, and times.
  7. When using Oracle Database, you cannot use the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle, you must use the ODBC driver delivered with the Oracle client install.
  8. When using Oracle Database, the Oracle database user must have (at a minimum) the following privileges and permissions in order to run ProjectWise Integration Server:
    • CONNECT role
    • CREATE PROCEDURE privilege
    • CREATE SEQUENCE privilege
    • CREATE TABLE privilege
    • CREATE VIEW privilege
    • EXECUTE permission on the DBMS_LOB package
  9. When using SQL Server, for optimal performance it is recommended that you disable the max degree of parallelism server configuration option. You can do this in SQL Server Management Studio by setting the value of this option to 1.

    See the following Microsoft article for details:

  10. When using SQL Server, make sure the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option is ON. (If OFF, users will not be able to log in to the datasource.)