ProStructures Help

Item Types in Partlist

The improvements and expansion to use item types with Concrete and Steel objects. The partlist database is extended to accommodate ProStructures object properties that are used by the report as Item type properties assigned in your model.

Item Type properties:

You may require to add additional, custom, attributes, say to reinforcement. To accommodate this need Item Types were implemented. These attributes are used on drawings as annotation and are shown in reports. Reports include user defined Item Type Properties attached to the reinforcement objects.

Use cases for user defined attributes are:
  • Flexibility to conform with any standard on the market
  • Tracking reinforcement status for
    • rebar fabrication process (i.e. in fabrication, in warehouse, in transport, on site)
    • quality assurance i.e. reinforcement design state (i.e. detailed, checked, published)
    • assigning subcontractor (fabrication and / or construction)

Reports should include user defined Item Type Properties attached to the reinforcement objects.

The user defined Item Type Properties have no impact on Positioning (Bar Marking).
  • This means that if two bars are identical in terms of size, shape, leg lengths, grade, coating and end preparation and differ in, they are assigned the same bar marks, regardless of Item Type Property values.

To effectively use Item Type Properties on Reinforcement, Items need are attached by selecting multiple Individual bars and multiple rebar sets.

Report Example:

Based on report template and settings, the partlist report will have user defined types data as defined for the given item types, besides shape, size, leg lengths and grade.

The mdb tables in the database are managed to have item type data available to get ported in the report you create out for the partlists.