ProStructures Help

Modification Management

The modification management is one of ProStructures’s special DetailCenter features. Once the model has been detailed and any resulting detail blocks have been distributed to the different workshop plans, the detailing or processing is considered finished.

The next time you load the model most of the entries will appear in green – this color signifies that the detailing of these parts matches the original parts of the model.

However, if you have changed parts of the model they will be shown in red. This tells you that the detail blocks (and thus maybe the workshop drawings as well) are no longer current and have to be updated. The program performs this update.

Note: In addition to this feature for managing modifications, ProStructures also offers the comprehensive RevisionCenter, which can manage other documents from the model in addition to drawings, and provides more comprehensive information. Modification management works in synchronization with this data..
Table 1. Color coded status indicators
Status Color Description
Valid Details Blue A detail block of this part has already been created. However, it has not yet been inserted into a 2D drawing.
Green A detail block of this part has already been created and inserted into a 2D drawing.
Modified Details Yellow A detail block of this part has already been created. However, it has not yet been inserted into a 2D drawing.
Red A detail block of this part has already been created and inserted into a 2D drawing.

Open a Drawing from Within the DetailCenter

Just click on a part in the component list of the DetailCenter to have a quick look at a certain workshop drawing.

Now select Detail Center > Parts (tab) > Parts view: > Right-click > > Open 2D drawing context menu to automatically open the drawing containing this detail – presuming it has been inserted.