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(Technology Preview) Named Presentations

When working with 3D models, some geometric components need to display different symbols in different view contexts, and simple projections may not be sufficient. The Named Presentations feature allows you to do so. For example, consider a door component. You may want different symbols of a door in different views as shown below.
Adding the elements you want to see in each view to the corresponding Named Presentation will only show those elements when the door is placed as a parametric cell in a design and the respective view orientation is selected. For example, Top view will only show the door in plan and its swing when these elements are added to the 'Top' named presentation.

Named Presentations Dialog

Used to manage named presentations.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Content > Named Presentations > Named Presentations
Add to named presentation
Starts the Add to named presentation tool using which you can add elements to a named presentation.

The Named presentation drop-down in the Add to named presentation tool settings window allows you to choose the named presentation in which you want the elements to be included. You can add multiple elements to any named presentation and also a single element to multiple named presentations.

Drop from named presentation

Allows you to remove elements from named presentations. To drop an element from the named presentation, start this tool, select the element and enter a data point.
Named Presentation list box Lists the named presentations, number of elements added to each named presentation, and the view orientation to which the named presentation will be applied.

Selecting a named presentation row from the list box hides all elements other than the elements added to the selected named presentation. To deselect the named presentation, press <Ctrl> and click on the selected row.

Named Presentation View Attribute

In the View Attributes dialog's Presentation section, a new icon called Named Presentation is added. If on, named presentations are applied to the selected view.

Workflow for Using Named Presentations

Following is the general workflow for using named presentations:
  1. In a model, draw the desired 3D model. For example, a door.
  2. In a different view orientation, place elements that you want to view for the model in that view orientation. For example, for a door model, in the Top view, you will draw the commonly used symbol of door in plan views, which is a rectangle with an arc and line indicating the door and its swing.
  3. Open the Named Presentations dialog.

  4. Select the Add to named presentation tool and in its tool settings window, select the desired named presentation to which you want to add the elements.

  5. Select the desired elements and enter a data point. In our example, select the door symbol in Top view.

    The elements are added to the selected named presentation.

  6. Now place the model as a parametric cell.
  7. In the View Attributes dialog, make sure the Named Presentation view attribute is turned on.

  8. Change the orientation to the one that have named presentation created and observe that the elements that you included for that named presentation are displayed instead of the original cell. So, in our door example, in the Top view, you will see just the door symbol, which is a rectangle with an arc and line.