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Electrical Cable Input (.rel file)

Cables are specified in the cable file (.rel file). Each cable is specified in a single line (no RETURN or LINEFEED allowed) in the following format:
<cable name>, <specification code>, <description>, [<attribute value pairs>]
  • <cable name> is a unique name for the pipeline. It must be unique amongst all named elements in the model.
  • <specification code> is the specification of the cable that correspconds to most cable attributes such as: voltage, outer diameter, cross-sectional area, cost factor, and pipeway level.
  • <description> [OPTIONAL] is a text string providing additional information for the cable.
  • <attribute value pairs> [OPTIONAL] include Cable User Defined Attributes and data changed from default data table values. Attribute value pairs are space delimited and follow the format of:
    <attribute name> <attribute value>

Electrical Cable Input Examples

C25, CAJ14, ,
C20, PB350, Unit 54 process power, GLANDS_INPUT "71G"