PlantWise Help


PlantWise uses warnings and errors to alert you to problems in processing data.

Warnings and errors use the same dialog format that includes an Errors menu. This menu gives you the option to open the Error List (List All Errors) or to suppress all but critical errors (Suppress Warnings).


Warnings report results that will not hinder functionality and may have been intentional – such as a nozzle being placed off the face of the equipment element as shown below.

You must acknowledge all warnings with Continue or Suppress. When Suppress is selected, PlantWise will halt reporting of future warnings to you. All warnings, suppressed or not, are recorded in the Error List.


There are two grades of errors: suppressible and critical.
  • If the problem is only part of the current process, and if the process can continue despite the problem, then you are prompted with a suppressible error like that shown below.
    As with warnings, you can choose to turn off reporting of suppressible errors by clicking the Suppress button.
    Note: If you suppress errors, future warnings will be suppressed as well.
  • If the current process cannot continue for some reason, you are prompted with a critical error like the one shown below.
    Because critical errors are always reported to you, suppression of errors and warnings can be turned off by un-checking the Errors > Suppress Warnings menu option.

    Critical error showing suppressed errors option turned on in Errors

All reported errors must be acknowledged. The Continue button is used to acknowledge an error as well as to proceed – if possible – with the current process.

In some circumstances, such as when loading a model, the process is actually a combination of processes. In that case, you may decide to halt the overall action once an error has occurred. This is when the Stop button is used.
Note: You are cautioned that suppressing warnings and errors prevents PlantWise from alerting them to problems. Suppression of errors should be used sparingly and turned off as soon as it is no longer needed. Turning suppression off is discussed in "The Error List" section below.
Note: ALL errors, even when suppressed, are logged in the Error List.

The Error List

Every error that occurs in a model’s session is recorded in the Error List. You can open the Error List from the Errors menu of any error dialog or from the Reports menu (Reports > Errors).

When the Report all errors check box is checked, you are alerted to all errors as they occur; if, however, you have suppressed errors, the check box is turned off. To turn off suppression of errors, you just needs to check Report all errors before closing the dialog.

The File menu allows you to: open the Exception List produced by the AutoRouter; Output to File the list of errors; and Close the dialog.

The Edit menu, as well as the Erase all Errors button, allows you to clear the current list of errors. This will not prevent future errors from being recorded.

When requesting support (see Reporting Problems ), you should include the text of any error messages that are related to the support request. You can copy error messages out of the error inspector pane of the Error List dialog and paste that text directly into the body of an e-mail message.