PlantWise Help

Reporting Volumes - Dimensions

The Location values are the bottom center of the volume. The width is the dimension in the east/west direction and the length is the dimension in the north/south direction.

Reporting Volume Dimensions.

Reporting Volumes may also be added by using the Place Reporting Volume tool in the Plant toolbox.

After selecting this tool icon you can select either a CAD polygon or a 3D element to seed the dialog's location and dimension values. This includes other PlantWise elements, a Routing Volume, structure floor, or a pipeway/structure column, for example.

Reporting Volumes can be assigned a category. The categories are defined in the Reporting-Categories.lisp data table for the project. Please refer to the MTO-By-Volume-AndCategory report in the Demo-Projects folder for an example of how to report on the category. This report is also in the ...\projects\dpar_master\reports folder of the PlantWise installation.

To generate a report for a single volume, open the Report Writer dialog and right mouse click on the desired report. From the context menu select either Output Volume Report to Screen or Output Volume Report to File.

Report selection context.

Both options open the Reporting Volume Selection dialog.

Reporting Volume Selection.

Report Name If the wrong report was initially selected the Report Name field allows you to change which report will be used.
Output File If the ellipsis [...] to the right of the Output File field is pressed the Select the output file dialog is displayed and the output will be saved to the file specified instead.

If Output Volume Report to Screen was initially selected the report will be displayed in the standard Report Writer Output dialog.

Volume Name In this dialog you can use the Volume Name field to select the Reporting Volume to be applied. If you start typing in the field, the selections will change to match what has been typed.
Command buttons
  • Accept – the report will be generated and the dialog will remain open.
  • OK – the report will be generated and the dialog will close.
  • Cancel – the dialog will close.

Reporting Volumes are fenced reports that are restricted to the top and bottom elevations of the volume. The CAD Overlap fence mode is used to gather the elements to be reported. As such, if reports are to be generated on floors of a structure and the volumes touch at the top of one volume and bottom of the other volume, the elements that touch the overlapping edge will be included in both volume reports.

Non-Overlapping volumes.

In the example the upper volume is highlighted. Note the very small gap between the top of the lower volume and the bottom of the upper volume. If the Reporting Volumes touched at the bottom of the upper volume, the equipment instance would be included in the report for both volumes.