PlantSight Administrator Help

3D View

Used to visualize project data in the context of a 3D model. There are controls for navigating the model and filters for viewing different portions of the model.

Models Used to filter the model based on predefined groupings. Clicking expands the Models menu. Select the model grouping you want to display in the view. For instance, select Components to only display piping objects.
Here, there are model groupings to select from. All can be used to re-display all the models. None clears the display of all models. Invert reverses the current selection to display all other models besides the selected grouping.
Categories Used to filter the objects in the model based on predefined categories. Clicking expands the Categories menu. Select the category of objects you want to display in the view. For instance, select HVAC to only display HVAC objects.
In addition to the specific engineering discipline categories, there are some special categories to select. All can be used to re-display all the objects in the model. None clears the display of all objects. Invert reverses the current selection to display all other objects besides the selected category.
Views Opens Spacial Views associated with the Digital Twin. Click to select a Spatial View from the pop up menu.
Viewport Opens the Viewport window which is used to view selected objects in a "2D" view.
Select Tool Used to select objects in the 3D view. When selected, objects are highlighted and their properties are displayed in the Properties list. The Select Tool's "mode" is controlled by the Selection Tool Settings.
Selection Tool Settings Used to set the Select Tool's operation mode. Clicking opens the Selection Tool toolbar.
Here, the Mode settings allow you to select individual elements or drag to select elements with a dynamic line or rectangle (first three tools). These work in conjunction with the other Mode tools that set the objective of the selection (replace, add or remove) from the existing selection set.
Select single Lets you select individual elements graphically. To select additional elements:
  • (When mode is set to Replace) Hold the <Ctrl> key, then click on the elements.
  • (When mode is set to Add) Click on the elements.
  • (when mode is set to Replace or Add) Click in the view window, then drag to select elements with a dynamic range.
Select all crossing line Selects elements by defining a line that intersects them.
Select by range When set to inside selection, all elements inside the range are selected. When set to overlap selection, all elements inside or overlapping the range are selected.
Tip: Use a left-right direction for inside selection and a right-left direction for overlap selection.
Note: The line style for the dynamic range rectangle changes from a solid line (inside) to a dashed line (overlap). A tap of the <Shift> key while dragging/defining points will invert the current inside/overlap direction.

These next Mode tools work together with the previous Mode tools to set the objective of the selection.

Replace current selection Clears the current selection set and starts a new selection set.
Add to selection Adds objects to the selection set.
Remove from selection Removes objects from the selection set.

Additional Select tools appear in the view when a selection is made. These act on the selection set:

Clear Selection Deselects all objects in the selection set.
Hide Selected Turns off the display of objects in the selection set.
Isolate Selected Turns off the display of objects not in the selection set.
Emphasize Selected Dims the of objects not in the selection set, leaving the selection set highlighted.
Measure Tools Used to measure distances and locations in the digital twin. Clicking opens a menu with two measure tools:
  • Measure Distance - Interactively measures distances between objects selected in the digital twin, drawing numbered "trails" with distances in the view. Hover over or click on to investigate or select objects to measure. When the pointer is near an object, identifying information is displayed in a flyover. The pointer can "snap" to "keypoints" on the modeled objects (intersections, endpoints, midpoints) for precise location. Distances are displayed attached to the pointer as you hover over objects. When you click on an object, a reference point is established. Clicking on another object again establishes the second point, and so on for multiple object selections. The overall distance is always displayed at the last selected object. Ending the tool (right click) clears the view of the measured distances.
  • Measure Location - Interactively displays model coordinates on numbered "callouts" in the view. When the pointer is near an object, identifying information is displayed in a flyover. The pointer can "snap" to "keypoints" on the modeled objects (intersections, endpoints, midpoints) for precise location. When you click on objects, numbered callouts are placed. Hovering over them displays the model coordinates at each location. Ending the tool (right click) clears the view of the model coordinates.
Section Tools Used to create section views of the model via mouse movements. Clicking opens a menu with four section tools:
  • Section by Plane - Creates the cutting plane by hovering the pointer over an object until part of it is highlighted, and then clicking when the plane glyph attached to the pointer is correctly oriented.
  • Section by Range - Creates a range block by selecting two objects in the model to identify the apposite corners of the block (labeled 1 and 2 below).
  • Section by Element - Creates a range block around an object by selecting the object. The range block sides can then be dragged outward to create a 3D section view of the area around the selected object.
  • Section by Shape - Creates a cutting shape by selecting objects in the model to identify the sides of the rectangular shape (labeled 1, 2 and 3 below). The shape is extruded in both directions (normal to the section shape) forming a 3D section.
Rotate View Used to interactively rotate the view via mouse movements. Left click and hold while you move the mouse to rotate the view.
Pan View Used to interactively pan the view via mouse movements. Left click and hold while you move the mouse to pan the view.
Walk Tool Used to interactively traverse the model via mouse movements. Left click and hold while you move the mouse. Movements are relative to the reference points you select by left clicking. Left and right mouse movements "walk" you to the left and right, while up and down mouse movements "walk" you forwards and backwards respectively.
Zooming tools Used to zoom into the model or fit the model into the view extents. Clicking opens a menu with two zoom tools:
  • Fit View - Adjusts the view magnification so that the entire model is visible in the view.
  • Window Area - Defines boundaries of a rectangular area of the model to be displayed within the view.
Toggle Perspective Used to turn perspective on or off in the view. In a view with perspective projection, elements at greater depths appear relatively smaller, enhancing realism. A view with perspective projection is also referred to as a camera view.
3D Cube Used to rotate the view by clicking on cube faces or via click, hold and rotate with mouse movements. The cube's faces are labeled Top, Front, Right, etc. Clicking on them orients the view accordingly.
Undo/Redo View
  • Undo View - Undoes the last viewing operation (view control operation or view attribute change).
  • Redo View - Redoes the last undone viewing operation.
Reality Data Clicking or selecting a reality data object expands the Reality Data list, and is used to view object data.
Properties Clicking or selecting an object expands the Properties list, and is used to view object data.
3D View toolbar Located at the bottom of the 3D View, is a toolbar containing view tools, prompts, messages and settings. Several of these tools work together with the 3D View Selection, Section and View tools.
User prompts Displays instructions for the currently active tool. Located on the left side of the toolbar.
Messages Displays information, warnings and error messages in a pop up settings tab that you activate by clicking the Messages icon in the toolbar.
Saved Views Used to load or to define Saved Views which are views with specific settings that you can recall or share with others. Clicking the Saved Views icon in the toolbar opens the Saved Views pop up settings tab.
  • Create - Used to create a new saved view. Clicking Create opens the Create Saved View dialog where you can enter a Name for the saved view. Once created, the new view is listed in the saved views list.
  • Search Views - Allows you to search the saved views by name.
  • List view - Arranges the saved views in a list form.
  • Thumbnails view - Arranges the saved views as a gallery of thumbnails.
  • Show All Views - When on, all views are listed in Saved Views including project Views such as the Default view.
  • Apply Camera Only - When on, only views with the camera on are listed in Saved Views.
  • Saved Views - Listed in the List view and pre viewed in thumbnail images. Saved views created by you have an additional menu with more settings (see above image). Saved views that have a "people" icon in the thumbnail preview indicate they are shared views.

The following settings are available only for saved views created by you, and are accessed by clicking the ยทยทยท (three dots) button (see above image).

  • Update view - Replaces the saved view with the current view.
  • Delete view - Deletes the saved view including all shared instances.
  • Share/Unshare view - Used to share unshared views, or discontinue sharing shared views.
Clear Hide/Isolate/Emphasize Clears the view, and restores the saved view. Used when the view is displaying objects that are hidden, isolated or emphasized.
Section Tools Used to clear or restore section views created with the Section Tools. Clicking the Section Tools icon in the toolbar opens the Section Tools pop up settings tab.
  • Clear Sections - Clears sections from the view, restoring the full un-sectioned model.
  • Section Handles - Turns on the display of the section handles so you can edit the extents of the section view.
Note: A section view must be defined to enable the Section Tools.
View Attributes Used to set attributes for the view.
  • ACS - When on, a coordinate triad representing the Auxiliary Coordinate System (ACS) displays.
  • Camera - When on, the view camera is applied to the current view.
  • Constructions - When on, construction elements display.
  • Hidden Edges - When on, hidden edges are displayed with a dashed line style.
  • Monochrome Display - When on, all objects are displayed in monochrome.
  • Visible Edges - When on, object edges are highlighted.
Scope Sets the "Selection Scope" which affects how objects are selected based on their hierarchy in the digital twin.
  • Element - When selecting objects, only the individual objects selected by single selection, that cross a line, or that fit inside or overlap a range, are selected.
  • Assembly - When selecting objects, the local assemblies of the objects selected by single selection, that cross a line, or that fit inside or overlap a range, are selected.
  • Top Assembly - When selecting objects, the top assemblies of the objects selected by single selection, that cross a line, or that fit inside or overlap a range, are selected.

The effect of these Scope settings have on selection are demonstrated here: