PlantSight Administrator Help

Data Acquisition Settings

Used to view, import, aggregate imports, and archive imports of plant data into PlantSight.

Layout and Settings

Data Acquisition's layout from top-down consists of filter controls, a results table, and a toolbar. Filters allow you to refine the results displayed in the results table. The toolbar is used to import new data, aggregate existing imported data, archive date, re-import data, and to delete imports.

Changed By Allows you to select a user to view only the imports they changed. The drop down list includes options Myself and All users.
Imported By Allows you to select a user to view only their imports. The drop down list includes options Myself and All users.
Changed/Imported Within Allows you to select predefined ranges of time to view only the imports done during those times. The drop down list includes options Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last month and All.
From/To Allows you to select specific ranges of time to view only the imports done during those times. Use the calendars to set the dates.
Show archived imports When on, only archived imports are displayed in the results table. Allows a deeper filter of those imports already archived, or not.
Show aggregated imports When on, only aggregated imports are displayed in the results table. Allows the selection of those imports already Aggregated.
Results Lists imports in rows and columns based on your filter selections. Columns can be moved and results can be sorted by the column headings by double clicking them. Reimports are listed below the original import. When an import is selected, applicable tools in the toolbar become activated. Check the boxes in the left most column to select multiple imports. Double clicking on an import opens its import details.
Columns (left to right):
  • Selection check box - select all by checking the box in the column heading or check the boxes individually in the rows.
    Note: To avoid performance issues, you can select up to 5 imports.
  • Id - displays a unique system created id for each import.
  • Name - displays the name of the import when created, naming conventions can be a very useful tool for import recognition. In the Name column the ... button is displayed if the import is selected via mouse over. The ... button provides several actions in dependence of the selected import. Example: Stop for a running import.
  • Status - displays import status. Statuses are displayed with icons and words. For instance, Completed (with green check mark), Completed (with a red "X") if error occured, Running (with a spinning wheel) or Aggregated (completed imports that were aggregated).
  • Type - lists the import type (Excel Import, Model Import, AutoCAD 2D Import, etc).
  • Source - displays the imported file names.
  • Changed/Imported By - displays the user name who imported the file.
  • Changed/Imported Date - displays the on which the file was imported.
Table filters (left to right):
  • All Imports - displays all resulting imports. All table columns are displayed.
  • Draft Imports - displays only the resulting draft imports. The State column is removed from the table.
  • Running Imports - displays only the resulting running imports. The State column is removed from the table.
  • Running Imports - displays only the resulting completed imports. The State column is removed from the table.
New Import Used to import data in files in several formats. To begin the import select one of these options:
  • Excel Import
  • AutoCAD 2D Import
  • Proteus Import
  • Model Import
  • 3D Import

This opens a new screen, Data Acquisition > New [import type] Import. Use the settings there to complete the import.

Start Import Used to start saved imports. Enabled once an import is created or when you select "Draft" status imports.
Aggregate Used to aggregate inconsistent data in selected imports. Opens the Data Aggregation Settings.
Delete Used to delete selected imports.
Stop Used to stop "Running" status imports.
Archive Used to archive selected imports.
ReImport Use to re-import selected imports. Only aggregated imports can be re-imported. The ReImport button is active, if the original import was already aggregated, Otherwise the ReImport button is deactivated.
Note: Only one import can be re-imported at a time.