PlantSight Administrator Help

To Register a New Project

  1. To get started, do one of the following:

    Click , and then in the subsequent recent projects screen, click Register Project.


    Click the down arrow on the project name, and select Add New Project.

    The Register a Project Settings Asset Information screen appears. This is where you enter asset information for the new project.

  2. In Asset Information, do one of the following:

    Activate Select Asset, and select an asset from the list of already registered assets.


    Activate Register Asset. The settings change. Enter the new asset information in the fields provided.

  3. Click Next.

The process moves to the next step, entering Project Information. Here you find required project settings that must be defined to complete the process.

Note: Required settings are marked with an asterisk *. Those not marked with an asterisk, are optional.

  1. Enter a Project Number and a Project Name in the fields provided.
  2. Choose a method for locating the project:

    Activate Use Location, and enter an Engineering Location.


    Activate Use Latitude/Longitude. The settings change. Enter Latitude and Longitude specifications in the fields provided.

  3. Select a Time Zone and a Billing Country for the project.
  4. Set the project status to Active or Inactive.
  5. Check Allow External Team Members if you want to invite external members to the project team.
  6. Click Next.

The process moves to the next step, Review. Here you that must be defined to complete the process.

  1. Review the new project settings.
  2. Click Finish.