PlantSight Administrator Help

Register a Project Settings

Used to add a new project. Follow Register a Project's prompts by selecting from the menus provided.

Asset Information

Select Asset Select an Asset from the drop menu.
Register Asset Used to create a new asset. Selecting Register Asset expands the available settings.
  • Asset Number - Assigns an identifying number for the new asset.
  • Asset Name - Assigns a name for the new asset.
  • Industry - Selects the industry the new asset belongs to.
  • Type - Selects the type of asset the new asset is.
Note: All settings marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed before you can continue. When they are completed, the Next button is enabled. Click Cancel at any time to cancel the new asset.

Project Information

Registered Asset Displays the asset registered previously.
Project Number Assigns a number to the project. This is the project's identifying number used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Project Name Assigns a name to the project. This name is used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Use Location When selected, the entered Engineering Location is used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Use Latitude/Longitude When selected, the settings are expanded. The entered Latitude and Longitude specifications are used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Engineering Location Assigns a location to the project. This is the project's location used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Time Zone Used to select the local time zone for the new project.
Billing Country Used to select a country as the billing country.
Allow External Team Members When on, members who are no part of the project team can be granted access to the new project.
Tip: All settings marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed before you can continue. When they are completed, the Next button is enabled. Click Cancel at any time to cancel the new asset.


Displays the status of the registration.
Industry Set an industry, before you finish the registration.
Tag Specification Set an tag specification, before you finish the registration.
Finish Click to complete the registration.