PlantSight Administrator Help

iModel 3D Import

Prior to performing an import, download a configured Excel spreadsheet template for the equipment type you want to import. Add your import data to the spreadsheet. See chapter Downloading Excel spreadsheet templates.
Scenario: An iModel has been identified as required as part of the operated Digital Twin.
  1. In the menu bar, click Acquisition.

    The Data Acquisition service opens.

  2. Click New Import, and select 3D from the pop up menu.

    The New 3D Import page appears. At the top of the page, the new import is identified as a "New 3D Import" with the Type and Status indicated. The Information tab is activated for creation of the new import, and the Log tab is available to provide access to logs of the processed import.

  3. Enter a Name and a Description. Name, allows you to specifically and uniquely name the import. Import naming conventions can be a useful tool in controlling and identifying imports. Description, allows for a more detailed definition of the import while keeping the name a more manageable size.
  4. Make a selection from the Controller drop down menu.
  5. Make a selection from the Project drop down menu.
  6. Click ... (Browse), next to the Filter field.

    The Select Filter dialog opens.

  7. Select a filter *.xml file, and click Select.
  8. Do one of the following:

    To start the import directly, click Start import.


    To save the import in Drafts for future use, click Save.

    You are returned to the main Data Acquisition page. The import State changes to indicate the process is "Running" or "Draft" depending upon which above option you choose.

When you select Start import, and the import is successfully completed, it is displayed in All Imports and Completed Imports tab. When completed the import status changes to "Complete". Additionally, an e-mail and a notification is sent to advise the process is complete. The notification can be viewed in the PlantSight project Home page or in the separate email sent.
To move your imported objects to the Digital Twin, aggregate the import.