Operational Analytics Help

Iterative Table Example

This next section will explain the configuration behind this iterative table.

Widget Configuration

The image below shows where each configuration setting is used on the widget.

Report Table Editor

The Report Table Editor shows the configuration for the table.

Setting Value and Description
Table ID 133 - This number was generated by Operational Analytics.
Type Fixed. This was selected from a drop-down list.
Iterate By Level
Level 3
Stylesheet This was selected from a drop-down list.
Custom Stylesheet This was selected from a drop-down list.
View Name None required - the view is not being used for this table.
Initial View Details Only - Options as to the initial view of the table, can include grouping, subtotals, totals, and the view can be expanded or collapsed.
Sub Total Position Below - If displayed, whether the subtotal should be above or below the details or groupings.

Table Configuration

Once fields are configured, the table preview will display the field type in square brackets and what it has been set to. For example, this field is a [Column Heading] and it will display “Meter 1 Reading”.

Field Colours

The field colours indicate the type of field. For example:

  • Column Heading
  • Row Heading

Group Heading and Heading Rows

On this fixed table we have rows for “Group Heading” and “Heading”.

For the group heading row, the user can specify the number of columns the heading will span and a label for the heading. In this instance the group heading will span three rows.

For the heading row, the user can set the text to appear in the box and set whether it should be sorted. In this instance there is no sorting.

1 Row

The cells in Row 1 are a mix of property (attribute) and point values.

For more information, see Row Elements.

Sub Total Row

There are no cells configured in the Sub Total row in this example.

Footer Row

On the Footer row, we have three cells configured as totals. This means they will total up all the data in the above rows.

There is also one heading cell which is for display purposes only.

Iterative Result

The result for the Iterative table is shown below. In this table we can see there is a row for each of our “Meters”

The first 5 columns display the property values from the “Meter” container.

The last 4 columns display the last value from the points.