OpenSite Designer Help

Model Detailing

Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Model Detailing group.

Modeling ribbon interface

Short description of the model detailing ribbon is given below.

Civil Cells

Civil Cells Group

Settings Description

Place Civil Cell
  • Allows you to activate the browser to select the civil cell to be placed.
  • Civil cells can be selected from the active dgn's graphics, or from the browser that provides a schematic preview of available civil cells from all design models in the current dgn, or via the currently defined configuration.

Create Civil Cell
  • Allows you to activate the command. Prompts you to name the new civil cell and select reference elements.
  • The dependent elements are identified and highlighted for verification.

Process Civil Cell
Allows you to reprocess all linear templates and templates for the selected civil cell. This may be necessary where the active terrain has been changed or where reference file interaction needs to be refreshed.

Drop Civil Cell
  • Allows you to activate the drop command and targets civil cells.
  • The standard MicroStation Drop command works on civil cells, but selection is dependent on element priority in the model and may require element cycling to select the civil cell.

3D Tools

3D Tools Group

Settings Description

Apply Linear Template
Allows you to accesses the Pick Template dialog then inserts the chosen template into the drawing relative to a linear element.

Surface Templates
Allows you to accesses he Pick Template dialog then inserts the chosen template into the drawing relative to a terrain model.

Create Closed Mesh
Allows you to create closed mesh entities representing substrata, unsuitable materials, and variety of Design artifacts.

3D Elements
Allows you to create 3D elements like:
  • Creates a 3D element computed from a linear element to a surface.
  • Creates a terrain modeling computed by volume from another reference surface.
  • Create 3D by Plan Profile tool creates a 3D element from a portion of a profile line.
  • Creates a 2D element from a 3D MicroStation element and utilizes the original 3D element for the active profile.

Create Conic Slope
Allows you to create a fill slope in a corner between 2 alignments or lines.
Note: To know more details about "Create Conic Slope" click Here.

Transverse Tools
Allows you to create a alignments or tunnel between 2 main alignments or Tunnel that run usually parallel.