OpenSite Designer Help

Animate Tab

Note: Select a link to “jump” to the desired Animate Tab group.

Animate ribbon interface

Note: Visualization workflow is enabled only when 3D window is active.


Create group

Settings Description

Allows you to create, script, and manipulate animation key frames.

Create Actor
Allows you to create an actor from one or more elements in a design.

Create Camera
Allows you to create an animation camera.

Create Target
Allows you to create a target for an animation camera.

Modify Actor

Modify Actor

Settings Description

Define Actor Path
Allows you to define the path along which an actor moves.

Modify Actor
Allows you to modify the name of an actor, and enable or disable the axes about which an actor can be moved, rotated or scaled.

Modify Camera
Allows you to modify an animation camera.

Copy Actor
Allows you to copy one actor to another actor.

Allows you to manipulate an actor relative to the axes defined when the actor was created.

Attach Detach Actor
Allows you to attach one actor to a second actor, so that it will move or rotate with the second actor when it (the second actor) is manipulated.

Camera View
Allows you to display, in a selected view, the scene as viewed from an animation camera.

Drop Actor
Allows you to convert (drop) an actor back into its components.


Script group

Settings Description

Animation Producer
Allows you to define animation settings and create animations.

Script Actor
Allows you to create a script to parametrically position an actor during an animation sequence.

Script Camera
Allows you to script an animation camera in a sequence.

Script Target
Allows you to specify the time at which to activate/deactivate targets.

Script Attach Detach Actor
Allows you to script the attachment or detachment of one actor to another during an animation sequence.

Global Lighting
Allows you to animate Global Lighting settings.

Source Lighting
Allows you to move source lighting in an animation by attaching them to actors that move. Alternatively, they can be made into actors themselves, and scripted to move and/or rotate.

Script Elements Attribute
Allows you to animate element attributes - visibility, color, transparency - during an animation sequence.

Allows you to animate material characteristics.

Animation Settings
Allows you to define animation settings for previewing or recording.


Control group

Settings Description

Animation Preview Tools
Allows you to preview an existing animation and to add key frames.

Allows you to start playing the animation sequence in the preview view.

Allows you to set the sequence back to the starting time or frame.

Allows you to open the record script dialog, which is used to record an animation sequence.

Allows you to stop the animation at the current time or frame number.

Allows you to set the sequence to the end time or frame.

Movie Player
Allows you to play back an animated sequence.


Traffic group

Settings Description

Create Lane
Allows you to place a set of vehicles along the single lane or multi-lane roadway and add a script entry.

Link Ramps
Allows you to link two ramps together.

Link Lanes
Allows you to link two lanes together.

Add Vehicle
Allows you to add vehicle in a lane.

Edit Lane
Allows you to edit a lane data.

Delete Lane
Allows you to delete a lane. Deleting the lane also deletes all the vehicles associated with that lane.

Attach Camera
Allows you to place a camera on a vehicle for animating from the vantage point of the vehicle.

Show Lane Links
Allows you to view the links of the selected lane to other lanes.

Delete Lane Link
Allows you to delete individual links from the lanes.