OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition

Text Import Wizard - Step 1

This section describes the parameters on the Text Import Wizard - Step 1 dialog, which is the first dialog in the series for creating a new wizard.

Dialog Box Options


Define Import Range:


Lines within Range

specifies the first and last rows that should be imported.

Start Import at Line

specifies the line (of the imported file) at which the wizard shall begin to read data. For example, if you specify a value of 3, the wizard seeks data beginning on the third line of the data file. In this example, the first two lines of the file would be ignored. You can specify Prompt from the available options. If you specify Prompt, you are prompted to define the start line of import each time a wizard is used to import a file. You are prompted when you click the Finish button in Step 4.

End Import at Line

Specifies the line (of the imported file) at which the wizard stops reading data. For example, if you specify a value of 500, the wizard seeks data up to the 500th line of the data file and all lines after the 500th are ignored. You can specify Prompt from the available options. If you specify Prompt, you are prompted to define the line at which the wizard stops reading data each time a wizard is used to import a file. You are prompted when you click the Finish button in Step 4.

Lines within Relative Range

Specifies the start line of import relative to the beginning of the file and the end line of import relative to the end of the file. This is useful if you have two files of different length, both beginning with "START" and ending with "END". Because the file lengths differ, it is not sufficient to define the exact start row and exact end row for import.

Start Import at Start of File +

specifies that the import should begin a specified number of lines from the beginning of each file.

Start Import at End of File -

specifies that the import should end a specified number of lines from the end of each file.

File Name

displays the name of the file being imported.

File Preview

displays a preview of the file being imported. The file preview on the Text Import Wizard - Step 1 dialog shows a maximum of 1000 lines. However, the 1000-line limit applies only to the preview, not to the actual import. The entire file is processed when you import a file with the Text Import Wizard. If you are importing a non-uniform file (refer to the Record Format option on the Text Import Wizard - Step 1 dialog), the preview shows only lines that satisfy the Include settings from the Text Import Wizard - Non-Uniform Record Information dialog. Those setting, although they appear on a subsequent dialog box in the wizard, can indeed apply to the preview on the Text Import Wizard - Step 1 dialog because you can use the Next and Back buttons to define those settings and return to the Step 1 dialog. If you are importing a uniform file (refer to the Record Format option), the preview shows 1000 consecutive lines of the file, beginning at the row specified in the Start Import at Row option on the Text Import Wizard - Step 1 dialog.

File Options




displays the Open Wizard dialog, which allows you to open an existing wizard during the wizard creation process. You are prompted to save any changes to the current wizard.


Saves an open wizard. If you select the Save button for a wizard that has not been previously saved to the xin file, the Save As workflow is followed.

Save As

Saves the wizard so that you can use it to import other, similarly formatted files. When a wizard is saved, it is available the next time Text Import Wizard command is invoked.


Moves to the previous step in the wizard.


Moves to the next step in the wizard.


Imports the file using the currently defined wizard.