OpenRail Designer Help

Civil Message Center

You can access this tool from the following.

  • Ribbon: Geometry > General Tools > Standards split button

Provides feedback on a variety of issues that can affect the design process, such as errors in constructions and design standards that have been violated.

The Bentley Civil Message Center provides feedback on a variety of issues that can affect the design process, such as errors in constructions and design standards that have been violated.

The message center can float and can be docked and pinned.

The Civil Message Center consists of four types of messages:

Messages Description
Duplicates all messages that MicroStation shows in its own message center
Displays severe problems found in the Civil tools that need attention
Displays less severe errors that should be investigated
Displays informational messages about the Civil tools

You can hide message types by clicking on the headers. In the previous image, the errors and warnings are shown (indicated by an orange background) and the MicroStation and informational messages are hidden. There is a Hide All button on the left to hide all types of messages.

MicroStation Messages

MicroStation messages are a mirror of the messages that also appear in the MicroStation message center. These messages are duplicated in the Civil Message Center for convenience.


Errors are severe problems that need attention. The following list shows examples of errors.

  • A curve radius below the minimum of assigned design standard

  • Problems persisting data into the native cogo databases


Warnings are less severe problems but still need attention. The following list shows examples of warnings:

  • Exceeding the maximum deflection in an alignment without including a curve.

  • Exceeding maximum or minimum curve or tangent lengths.


Messages are informational messages only.

Corresponding On-screen Glyphs

Except for MicroStation messages, the messages shown in the message center are accompanied by an onscreen glyph to indicate the location of the problem.

Hover over the glyph to get a pop-up summary of the problem.

Right-click in the message center to zoom to the location of the problem. This is helpful when several messages are spread across a large project.

Right-Click and choose Zoom To.

Alert if Equipment updates, due to Geometry change

This functionality is triggered if Civil-ruled Equipment needs to update, due to geometry changes. The functionality has no UI.

The function is triggered when the design file is opening or if the reference attachment (containing geometries) is reloaded.

User is informed by an alert in Microstation's Message Center. Below is an example when Equipment with Feature Name "TT1" is updated, due to geometry changes.