OpenRail Designer Help

Civil Variables

Ribbon: File > Settings >

Configuration Variable



Windows setting to set the Template Library dialog to a white background instead of black. Set to 1 for white.


Displays extra MS properties that are normally hidden on Civil Elements.


Stops the Civil commands storing their defaults as xml. Mainly used for Automated testing. Existing files will have to be deleted as it does not stop the system reading them.


Defines the directory where the Wizard Settings files for the Create Terrain From ASCII tool can be located.


This variable defines both the directory and specific file name of the feature definitions DGN Library. See CIVIL_CIVILCELLDGNLIBLIST for more details.


  1. Defines both the directory and specific file name of the Civil Cells DGN Library. Example: CIVIL_CIVILDGNLIBLIST = c:\workspace\dgnlibs\civilcells.dgnlib
  2. Allows the use of wildcards. Example: CIVIL_CIVILDGNLIBLIST = c:\workspace\dgnlibs\*.dgnlib
  3. If this variable is NOT set or the dgnlib file is not found, then the process should work as it does today (looks inside each dgnlib and lists any that contain civil cells).
  4. If this variable IS set and the file is found, then this file should be used to list the civil cells and for nothing further. In other words, if this file contains other civil items (such as feature definitions or project settings or filters), they should be ignored.


This variable defines both the directory and specific file name of the terrain model filters DGN Library. See CIVIL_CIVILCELLDGNLIBLIST for more details.


This variable defines both the directory and specific file name of the design standards DGN Library. See CIVIL_CIVILCELLDGNLIBLIST for more details.


This variable defines both the directory and specific file name of the project settings DGN Library. See CIVIL_CIVILCELLDGNLIBLIST for more details.


If set to a value of 1, it does not allow any lock changes to existing rules. In other words, it prevents a locked rule from being unlocked or an unlocked rule from being locked.


If set to a value of 1, it does not allow an element to be deleted if that element is referenced by another. Does not work across reference files.


If set to a value of 1, all standards, preferences or features that come from a DGN Library are persisted as read-only in the active file.


Displays Properties for a FeatureDefinition that allow you to default all Native or TemplateStyles to be the same. Useful for setting up Featuredefintions to ElementTemplates


In addition, the user may optionally define the CIVIL_UNIT_LENGTH_STATIONING_LENGTH configuration variable as the length of a station (typically 20 meters). If this variable is not defined then the length of station will default to 20 meters. If this variable is defined then it must be defined greater than zero and less than 100 otherwise it will default to 20 meters. This variable should be an integer. Non-integers are not supported. Note that the software will not check that the value is an integer nor will it check that InRoads preferences and these configuration variables are in-synch. These are implementation / training issues.

CIVIL_UNIT_LENGTH_STATIONING_STANDARD_FORMAT When unit length stationing is used, the stations that are multiples of the CIVIL_UNIT_LENGTH_STATIONING_LENGTH value do show the "+00.000" suffix, CIVIL_UNIT_LENGTH_STATIONING_STANDARD_FORMAT was added to specify if this suffix is displayed or not. If it is defined and true (or 1) the suffix is added to the station, otherwise, the suffix is removed.


The user must define the CIVIL_OVERRIDE_UNIT_LENGTH_STATIONING configuration variable as true. If this variable is not defined or not defined as true then the unit length station will be 100 working units. The software will treat the value as case insensitive.


Values for Profile Exaggeration. Set to values = {"1", "2","3", "4","5","10", "20", "50", "100"} in product.


Used to locate the Folder holding the XML file that include the Civil AccuDraw defaults.


Allows the user to relax the number of adjacent linear elements. If this is set to false or undefined then the maximum number of adjacent lines is 20.


Allows the user to relax the total number of elements (lines + arcs). If this is set to false or undefined then the maximum number of total elements is 250.


Allows the user to relax the total number of elements (lines + arcs) on Import Geometry. If this is set to false or undefined then the maximum number of total elements is 1000. This only applies to vertical alignments.


Defines how often to compute a point or template drop interval location on a tangent segment. This variable is not used by Corridor Modeling. If not set, the value defaults to 10. This is used when generating 3D elements and the apply Template command.


Defines how often to compute a point or template drop interval location along a profile, with extra points being computed based on a chord offset from the profile. The value defines the chord height used to calculate the extra points. If not set, the value defaults to 0.1. This is used in Corridor Modeling when Vertical Curve Densification is applied.


Defines how often to compute a point or template drop interval location along a curve segment with extra points being computed based on the chord offset from the horizontal curve. The value defines the chord height used to calculate the extra points. If not set, the value defaults to 0.01. This is used in Corridor Modeling when Horizontal Curve Densification is applied.


Not enabled by default. Only enable when required, on a project by project basis that has terrain data in DWG format. Filtering looks at 3 points. The Filter max gap is the distance between points 1 & 3. If the distance is within the max gap then point 2 is checked to see if the filter tolerance is within the range. If it is then it is removed.




If set to 'true' then stations for various commands are calculated and kept at even numbers. Example, template drops would always fall on even stations in the event of an equation that could cause it to do otherwise.

If not set or set to 'false', then the station values will be maintained at the specified increments.


If the variable is set to a valid directory location, then the software would look at this specific location to locate the XML reports. If this variable is NOT set or set to an invalid location, then the software would look at the location where Civil installs the reports by default.
Note: If the InRoads Project Default XSL location is defined then that is used before CIVIL_REPORTS_DIRECTORY. This maintains continuity for InRoads users.


Length of parabola in sag condition within the superelevation transition for option 1. Default set internally to 45. If another value is desired, user can add config and assign another value. Option is selected by user when calculating supers is the Transition ID is set to Parabolic.


Length of parabola in crest condition within the superelevation transition for option 1. Default set internally to 55. If another value is desired, user can add config and assign another value. Option is selected by user when calculating supers is the Transition ID is set to Parabolic.


Length of parabola in sag condition within the superelevation transition for option 2. Default set internally to 30. If another value is desired, user can add config and assign another value. Option is selected by user when calculating supers is the Transition ID is set to Parabolic.


Length of parabola in crest condition within the superelevation transition for option 2. Default set internally to 40. If another value is desired, user can add config and assign another value. Option is selected by user when calculating supers is the Transition ID is set to Parabolic.


Defines the best fit parameters that are used to calculate the best fit profile when the 'Create 3D Automatically' option on the Feature Definition Toggle bar is enabled.

Note: These settings are NOT used by the 'Define Profile by Best Fit' geometry tool. That tool has its own settings that are defined interactively through the graphical interface.


Defines the best fit parameters that are used to calculate the best fit profile when the 'Create 3D Automatically' option on the Feature Definition Toggle bar is enabled.

Note: These settings are NOT used by the 'Define Profile by Best Fit' geometry tool. That tool has its own settings that are defined interactively through the graphical interface.


Defines the best fit parameters that are used to calculate the best fit profile when the 'Create 3D Automatically' option on the Feature Definition Toggle bar is enabled.

Note: These settings are NOT used by the 'Define Profile by Best Fit' geometry tool. That tool has its own settings that are defined interactively through the graphical interface.


Defines the best fit parameters that are used to calculate the best fit profile when the 'Create 3D Automatically' option on the Feature Definition Toggle bar is enabled.

Note: These settings are NOT used by the 'Define Profile by Best Fit' geometry tool. That tool has its own settings that are defined interactively through the graphical interface.


Defines the best fit parameters that are used to calculate the best fit profile when the 'Create 3D Automatically' option on the Feature Definition Toggle bar is enabled.

Note: These settings are NOT used by the 'Define Profile by Best Fit' geometry tool. That tool has its own settings that are defined interactively through the graphical interface.


Sets the stroking distance for Survey generated breaklines. Additional points will be inserted into the breaklines at this distance causing additional vertices along survey linear features. If this variable is not set, then survey will use the CIVIL_DEFAULT_LINEAR_STROKING value.


Sets the stroking distance measured as a middle ordinate for survey curved linear features that is set as Breaklines. If this variable is not set, then survey will use the CIVIL_DEFAULT_CURVE_STROKING value.


If set, when a point or chain is copied it keeps copies as survey items.


If set, blocks editing, deleting, manipulating observations.


If set, this folder defines the location that Survey will search for TIW and EXE files.


When the "Tripod Data Systems" data import item is used to load survey data files, this variable causes the parse to IGNORE the FC (Feature Code) records in the TDS raw file.


Defines an alternate directory where user .TIW files can be located.


Expands all data import items when loading a survey data file. Users are able to remove original import items to clean up the list so that only desired file types are shown as candidates to be loaded. This variable automatically resets the list to the original state plus user defined items when loading a survey data file so the user does not have to manually press the reset icon in the data import items dialog.


Defines an alternate directory where the GEOID BIN files may be located. If not set, the standard GEOID BIN location is used.


When included will automatically upgrade SELECTseries 3 files without the user intervention / dialog.


When included on it's own will do nothing, it requires the 'prompt off cfg' defined as well and then will open read only without any upgrade ie for batch plotting.


Set to 1 for Design Models only

Set to 2 for Terrain Models only

Set to 3 for both Design and Terrain Models

When publishing an i.dgn that will be used as an .imodel for the OpenRoads mobile application, you need to set this CFG variable to 1, 2, or 3 in order to get the embedded civil data (such as linear referencing).


When this variable is set to "1", all linear elements in the active DGN or any attached reference files will be automatically added to the Target Aliasing available targets list.


When set in the OpenRoads.cfg file, allows Civil Cell DGNLIBs from (SELECTseries 4) to be upgraded to OpenRoads Designer format. See the OpenRoads Designer readme What is New for additional details.


This variable sets the number of sides/vertices of the mesh created from a circular mesh template component and for the arc and fillet portions of curved components during corridor processing.

Example, if this number is 16 (the default value), then a circle component mesh will have 16 sides and vertices. a one quarter circular arc or fillet will have four faces (5 vertices).





These environment variables are used when the drawing seed contains only one drawing boundary.

Cross Section Sheet Spacings and Margins Settings

Units are in Sheet master units (feet or meters).

Note: If all four of these environment variables are set, they are all used. If even one of them is not set, the default hardcoded values are used.





origAnchor.x = Distance from Left edge of sheet to the Lower Left corner of the Drawing Boundary.

origAnchor.y = Distance from the Bottom edge of the sheet to the Lower Left corner of the Drawing Boundary.


If defined as true or 1 enables functionality of the Named Boundary tool to reverse the direction of a Civil Cross Sections such that the views look in the direction of decreasing chainage/station rather than the normal direction of increasing chainage/station. This works automatically without the need for adjusting the alignment. Otherwise, the toggle and the right click menu option are hidden.



If defined as true or 1 stacks cross sections on sheets from the top down instead of the bottom up.

Required to define a margin at the bottom instead of the top to leave space between the last section and the bottom of the sheet.

Also requires a drawing seed that has the anchor drawing boundary at the top of the sheet instead of the bottom. With the top down option, the anchor point will be the upper left of the drawing boundary instead of the lower left.


If set to a value of 1 or TRUE, enables the drafting tools at the bottom of the Cross Section Navigator. When the variable is not set, these tools are not visible in the interface.


The default directory for opening Sight Visibility Settings Files.





These environment variables are used specifically when annotating sight distance in profiles. They are hardcoded values used in the formula that differ based on the units of the file.


The default available exaggeration values for Profile Views.

Example: CIVIL_EXAGGERATION_VALUES = 1,2,5,10,20,50,100


The default available exaggeration values for Profile Views.



Determines if CIVIL_EXAGGERATION_VALUES and CIVIL_SET_DEFAULT_EXAGGERATION environment variables should be ignored or not.

If set to 1, the view is opened with a 1:1 # exaggeration and the default exaggeration is ignored.



The default available exaggeration values for Superelevation Views.


CIVIL_SUPER_EXAGGERATION_VALUES = 100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000


The default exaggeration when a Superelevation View is opened.



Determines if CIVIL_SUPER_EXAGGERATION_VALUES and CIVIL_SET_SUPER_DEFAULT_EXAGGERATION environment variables should be ignored or not.


CIVIL_PREFS_SURVEYTOOLS Define a new configuration variable CIVIL_PREFS_SURVEYTOOLS that points to a folder that can optionally contain 'seed' preference files.


The default station interval based on the unit selected.

Metric - 20

Imperial - 100

CIVIL_PREFS_CIVIL Define a new configuration variable CIVIL_PREFS_CIVIL that points to a folder that can optionally contain 'seed' preference files.


A toggle that allows the user to define their own labels to use instead of the ones below / the existing ones.


Spiral - curve - spiral


Spiral – Reverse Spiral


Spiral - Straight


Spiral - curve


Straight - spiral


Curve - spiral


Point of reverse curvature


Point of compound curvature


Point of curvature


Straight point


Point on Straight


Start point


End point


Definition points (vertices of a linestring)


Vertical high point


Vertical low point


Vertical point of curvature


Vertical point of tangency


Vertical point of intersection


Vertical point of intersection for a vertical arc


Vertical point of intersection for a vertical parabola


Horizontal point of intersection


Horizontal point of intersection for a horizontal arc


Horizontal point of intersection for a horizontal spiral




Equation (Ahead)


Equation (Back)



These variables allow you to control how the station equation values are imported and exported based on ARC Defined or CHORD Defined.

We assume ARC is the default until we see CHORD definition in the alignment, then the default is CHORD define; when a Horizontal Alignment has Chord, we then assume the values for station equations are Chord Station Base.

If these Variables are defined and set to true. It will change how the station value from the station equation is interpreted. It will treat the station values as ARC defines stations and will change the location of the new station equation.

Some land XML files have both or are mixed, but nothing concrete on what the station values are based on.


This variable defines the directory where superelevation rule files are located.


This variable defines the superelevation rule file that is used by default. The full path and file name must be specified.


This variable explicitly defines the files for Item Types.


This variable points to a default Excel file, so that if this variable exists and points to a valid Excel file, then the tables defined in it are automatically loaded and used to map the feature definitions.


Changes the behavior of Simplify Geometry to use A Param instead of Length.


Sets a default value for center rail distance.


Sets a default value for inside rail distance.


If set to 1 or TRUE, then omit showing item types in the quick properties.

If undefined, set to 0 or set to FALSE, then show item types in quick properties.

Note: This variable may not be listed in the default workset.


If set to 1 or TRUE, then omit showing item types in the settings.

If undefined, set to 0 or set to FALSE, then show item types in settings.

Note: This variable may not be listed in the default workset.


Path and file for the component center downloaded cells.


Defines the distance measured from the top edge of the cross section clipping boundary to the top edge of the sheet model edge.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is TRUE, this variable defines the starting location of the first cross section at the top of the sheet.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is FALSE, this variable defines the top margin.

If there is not sufficient space for a cross section to fit inside the margin, a new column or sheet of cross sections is started.


When set to TRUE, enables an option on the Create Drawing dialog to create cross sections in a reverse station order. If this variable is not defined or is defined as FALSE the option does not appear on the dialog.

When the Reverse Station Order option is selected on the Create Drawing dialog, the highest station cross section will appear first and the lowest station will appear last.


If multiple cross sections can fit in the same row moving from left to right, this variable defines the horizontal spacing between the adjacent cross section boundaries.


Each cross section is tested in the horizontal direction to determine if it will fit on the sheet and still allow this variable to be met. This distance is measured from the right edge of the cross section clipping boundary to the right edge of the sheet model edge. If the computed distance is less than this variable, a new cross section sheet model will be generated for the next cross section.


When set to TRUE, causes cross sections to be created from the top to the bottom of the sheet. When set to FALSE or not defined cross sections are created in the default method from the bottom to the top of the sheet.


Defines the distance measured from the top edge of the cross section clipping boundary to the top edge of the sheet model edge.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is TRUE, this variable defines the starting location of the first cross section at the top of the sheet.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is FALSE, this variable defines the top margin.

If there is not sufficient space for a cross section to fit inside the margin, a new column or sheet of cross sections is started.


Defines the distance measured from the bottom edge of the cross section clipping boundary to the bottom edge of the sheet model edge.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is FALSE, this variable defines the starting location of the first cross section at the bottom of the sheet.

If CIVIL_CROSSSECTION_STACK_TOP_DOWN is TRUE, this variable defines the bottom margin.

If there is not sufficient space for a cross section to fit inside the margin, a new column or sheet of cross sections is started.


CIVIL_FILENAME defines a variable text string that makes file names in the workspace more meaningful by including a unit or localization name.


The name of the base standards for a country, region or a large asset owner such as a DOT. These standards should be the base that provide most of the settings needed for OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer, or OpenSite Designer. Additional company specific and project specific standards can be layered onto the Organizational standards using the WorkSpace and WorkSet respectively.


The CIVIL_ORGANIZATION_STANDARDS variable defines where the Organization Standards are located. These can be located on a local computer or a shared network drive.

To define these on a network drive, edit the WorkSpaceSetup.cfg file and change the CIVIL_ORGANIZATION_ROOT variable.


CIVIL_PROFILE_HORIZONTAL_GEOMETRY_HTPS defines default behavior for displaying stations at horizontal control points along the bottom of profile and superelevation views.


CIVIL_PROFILE_HORIZONTAL_GEOMETRY_INFO defines default behavior for displaying the horizontal geometry information along in the profile view and superelevation views.


Location of Report XML Files. Custom reports will be shown in addition to the default reports from the \Program Files\ folder.


Location of the template library.


The default path to save the template library to for a project.


Configuration for the Snappable Toggle utility.

Drainage and Utilities Configuration Variables

The following variables allow you to configure Drainage and Utilities as needed for your workflows.

Configuration Variable



Points to the dgnlib file which contains the hydraulic seed data, such as storm events and inlet hydraulic properties.


The model within the preceding seed file that contains the hydraulic seed data.


Points to the dgnlib file which contains the seed data for User Data Extensions for SUE (i.e. non-hydraulic) elements.


The model within the preceding seed file that contains the seed data.

SUDA_DEFAULT_LICENSE This is used to activate an OpenFlows license automatically when the Civil product is loaded. It can be set to StormCAD, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, or SewerGEMS (it is not case-sensitive). If a feature level has been selected, then it will be used. If a feature level has not been selected, then a dialog will be displayed so that you can select one. You can change the selected feature level using the Feature Level Selector.


Points to the dgnlib file which stores utility filters. These filters will be loaded in Utility Filters in the OpenRoads Standards tab in Explorer, and in the Filter Manager. Note that the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable must also be set to load this dgnlib file.


Valid values:

1 = enabled

If enabled, the conduit sizes for hydraulic (i.e. storm and sanitary) conduits are read from the data in the Hydraulic Prototype that is selected for a conduit feature definition, which could point to a Conduit Catalog, or be for a User Defined Conduit. The sizes of non-hydraulic conduits (such as electric and communications cables and ducts) are still set in the Conduit Table in the feature definition.

0 = disabled

If disabled, the conduit sizes for hydraulic (i.e. storm and sanitary) conduits are read from the Conduit Table in the feature definition when a conduit is placed, and the Haestad sizes are used by the hydraulics calculations. This means that both lists of conduit sizes have to be synchronised.

The sizes of non-hydraulic conduits (such as electric and communications cables and ducts) are still set in the Conduit Table in the feature definition, regardless of the setting for this variable.


1 or True enables Change Tracking. If not set before clicking any icon in the Review group of the Utilities View ribbon a message box displays with information to enable Change Tracking.

0 = disabled


This key-in is used to read the active design file and check the Drainage and Utilities projects that it contains. If there is more than one Drainage or Utilities project, then the ones that are not being used are deleted. The Message Centre will tell you the number of projects deleted, if any, such as "1 utility project(s) deleted". "2 drainage project(s) deleted", for example.