OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Schema Editor

This option opens the Schema Configuration utility, which allows you to configure/modify OpenPlant schemas to change the way data is presented, queried and stored in OpenPlant Modeler, OpenPlant PID and OpenPlant Support Engineering applications.

Accessed from:

  • Settings Ribbon

In the background, the Schema Editor is modifying OpenPlant 3D/OpenPlant PID and relevant supplemental schemas and adding corresponding custom attributes.

The Schema Editor, which is a simplified version of the Bentley Class Editor, lets you create a new class, property, relationship as well as delete existing ones. It has three tabs which display a different of tools to create edit Classes, Relationships and Properties.

Schema drop down... Displays the list of schemas which can be loaded/edited in the schema editor.
Click the Browse for Schema option to open the Select Schema dialog:

This lists the schemas from the Workset/WorkSpace you have selected. This lets you open any other schema from the selected WorkSet.

Navigation Tree The navigation tree lists the Classes and Relationships for the selected schema. Select a class to display its properties in the right pane. All of the local properties for the selected class are editable while the properties that are inherited are displayed as read-only.
  • Search - The Search option can be used to search for specific classes and relationships in the tree. Enter a search phrase into the field and click the Search icon. The search will bring you to the first item containing the phrase. Continue to click the icon to scroll through all of the instances containing the search phrase.
  • Filter - The Filter option can be used to filter the results displayed in the tree. Enter a criteria into the field by which to filter the navigation tree and click the Filter icon. Only the items which satisfy the filter criteria will display:
Properties Pane The Properties pane displays the properties of the selected Class/Relationship in the Navigation tree.

The Schema Editor provides a legend at the bottom of the Properties pane to identify the type of property.

Classes Tab

The Classes tab provides the following toolbar options.

Add Class Allows you to add a new class inheriting from the selected class. It displays the Create New Class dialog prompting you to define a Name, Display Label, Description and Type for the new class.
Delete Class Deletes the selected class and any class(es) which inherits from the class.
Edit Selected Class Displays a modified version of the Create New Class dialog dialog letting you modify the class.
Supported Classes Displays the supported relationships for the selected class. That means while creating associations you can use one of the listed relationships as either a source/parent or target/child. For example, for Pipeline you will see following list of supported classes:
View Custom Attributes This button only enables when custom attributes have been defined for the selected class or property. It display the following dialog for viewing purposes only:

There are instances where duplicate custom attributes are defined at multiple locations. In the dialog above there are two Business Key Specification attributes on the Pipeline Class. One is defined in the Modeling schema and the other in the Tagging schema.

This option is also available in the Properties tab.

Relationships Tab

The Relationships tab provides the following toolbar options.

Add Relationship Displays the Create New Relationship dialog letting you to add a new relationship inheriting from the selected relationship.
Delete Relationship Deletes the selected relationship.
Edit Selected Relationship Displays a modified version of the Create New Relationship dialog letting you modify the relationship.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab provides the following toolbar options.

Add Property Adds a new property to the selected class. The Add New Property dialog displays for you to create the property.
Add a PlantSight Only Extension Property Opens simple user interface to let users add extended properties. Adds a new plantsight only extension property to the selected class, which is seen on the iModel.
Delete Property Deletes the selected property from the class.
Edit Selected Property Displays a modified version of the Add New Property dialog letting you modify the property.
Mark Selected Property as Business Key This option lets user set the selected property as business key. This is required for certain actions such as the iModelHub where the system needs to know what property per class will be unique.
View Custom Attributes See description under the Classes section above.

Context Menus

The Schema Editor provides a series of right-click context menus which offers quick access to common menu commands: