OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Create New Class dialog

The following dialog displays letting you define a new class in the Schema Editor. Enter a Name into the field and select a class Type from the list. All other options are available.

Class Type Three class types are available:
  • Domain Class: The default type, this class can be instantiated in OpenPlant products. All components and logical objects defining "Work breakdown structure" are generally domain classes.
  • Abstract Class: The class type is generally used to define an un-instantiable or a generic class. For example, piping component is an abstract class defining a generic class. Such classes are used to group together similar classes.
  • Structure: Once the class is set to structure it can be used as a property for a class. For example Point3D is a class with X, Y and Z properties, and is marked as structure.
Once you have defined the required fields for the class (Name and Type), and any other optional information, click OK to create the class.