OpenPlant CONNECT Edition Readme

Configuration Changes

In OpenPlant Orthographics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 2, there have been a number of changes to the way Configuration Files are organized and processed. OpenPlant Orthographics Manager now integrates with the OpenPlant One Configuration which shares a single default configuration across all OpenPlant applications.

Terminology Changes

OpenPlant Orthographics Manager V8i OpenPlant Orthographics Manager CONNECT Edition
In OpenPlant Orthographics Manager V8i, the overall usage of configuration files and Configuration Variables was referred to as "Workspaces". The overall usage of configuration files and Configuration Variables is now referred to as "Configuration".
The grouping of configuration files and Configuration Variables that were used across an entire organization was referred to as the "Site" level. The grouping of configuration files and Configuration Variables that are used across an entire organization is now referred to as "Organization" level.
The grouping of files and associated data was referred to as a "Project". The grouping of files and associated data is now referred to as a "WorkSet".
Projects were organized by "User". Selecting a different User had the effect of changing the list of Projects that were available, and also changing the User Preference (.upf) file and User Configuration (.ucf) file in use. The selection of User has been removed from the user interface. Each OpenPlant Orthographics Manager user has their own personal .upf file and .ucf file, and it is not affected by selection of other Configuration components.

Folder Structure Differences

In the OpenPlant V8i releases, sample projects were stored in the following directory.

...\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlantPID (SS6)\WorkSpace\Projects\

With the new OpenPlant One Configuration, sample WorkSets are provided in the following location:

...\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Workspaces\WorkSpace\