OpenPlant Orthographics Manager Help

To Create Views

  1. Click the View Definition icon from the options panel.
  2. Click the New icon to create a new VAD file.
    Note: If you have an existing VAD file, click the Load icon to load it.
  3. Enter a name for the view in the View Name field.
  4. In the Referenced Models section, Add the models to use when creating the view.
  5. Use the Structure Column Grid Data option to define grid data.
  6. In the 3D Clipping Area tab, select a Direction for the view.
  7. Next, enter the position coordinates into the fields to define the view area using one of the following methods:

    Enter the coordinated directly into the fields.


    Click the View referenced model icon next to the Direction list to launch the referenced models in the CAD module. Next, click the Position Locate option next to the First point coordinate fields and use the mouse to manually pick the position points. When you pick a point, the coordinates will display in the fields provided. Repeat this for the Second point to pick a point defining the opposite corner of the view area.


    Click the View referenced model icon next to the Direction list to launch the referenced models in the CAD Module. Next, click the Pick Area option and use the mouse to manually pick two points defining the opposite corners of the view area. The coordinates will display in the field provided.

  8. (Optional): To check clip area defined, click the icon. A white box will display around the area.
  9. Click the View Output Position tab and enter X,Y coordinates to define the lower left position for the view port.
    Note: You can also use pick the point directly in the border file if it is open.
  10. Select a Scale from the list to use for the viewport.
  11. (Optional): Select a rotation for the viewport if necessary.
  12. (Optional): Click the Match line and View Information tab and enter the appropriate information into the fields.
  13. Click the Add View icon to add the view to the View Names list and Save the changes. Once you add the new view, the fields are cleared and ready to define a new view.