OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Import AutoPLANT models in OpenPlant Modeler

To achieve this, first load OpenPlant Modeler in the WorkSet that was Setup with OpenPlant schema.
Note: Refer step 3 from Migration Workflow.
  1. Create a New file in this WorkSet.
  2. After the new OpenPlant Modeler file is loaded, launch Utilities > AutoPLANT Import through the ribbon.
  3. AutoPLANT Import dialog opens.
  4. The model list will already be loaded in the AutoPLANT Import dialog. If not, click Load available AutoPLANT Model Names to load all models from the iTwin.

    Select All to select the models to be imported into OpenPlant Modeler file just created


    Make selection from the list manually through the check boxes to import the selected set of models.

  5. Click Import and click Fit View. This will turn all selected set of models to green color showing that these models have been imported into the OpenPlant Modeler file.
  6. Click Upgrade imported components It converts imported components to OpenPlant Modeler components.