OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Storage Path Expression Editor

The dialog enables you to define a text and property string to use as a naming convention for the isometric.

Displays when you click the Browse button from the Storage Path Expression field when defining properties in the Project Configuration dialog:

Text Enter a text value in this field.
Property Select a Property value from the drop down list.
Path Separator Click to add a path separator character to the path expression. This is needed to separate the directory name from the expression text.
Add After defining values for the Text and Property fields, click Add to add the string to the Expression field.
Clear Clears the Expression field.
Will display the Naming Expression as defined in the Text and Property fields.
Note: User can continue to define new text and property strings to add to the expression field if desired.
OK Click to save the changes and close the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the changes.