OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Style Configuration - Dimensioning Primary

The Dimension node displays a three tab dialog, each providing different dimensioning options:
Overall Dimensioning The Overall Dimensioning section provides general options which apply to all components in an isometric.
  • Hide Overall Dimensions — Do not show component level dimension.
  • Stop at Branches — Break the overall dimension at branch points e.g. Tee, Olet, cross etc.
  • Stop at Midpoints — Break the overall dimension at dimensioned midpoints. This option is only effective when midpoint dimensioning is enabled.
Mid/Endpoint Dimensions Midpoint dimensioning dimensions to the midpoint of an inline component (or the spindle point in so far available). A threshold value specifies the diameter below which mid-point dimensioning is enabled. The components eligible for mid-point dimensions are inline components for which IE_TYPE contains "VALVE", "FITTING" or "INSTRUMENT". For flanged fittings the dimension skips over the gaskets.
Endpoint dimensioning is an extension of midpoint dimensioning but for non-inline flanged components like tees and elbows or flanged assemblies. It allows for dimensioning over a flanged connection.
  • Enable Midpoint Dimensions — Enable mid point dimensions.
  • Enable Endpoint Dimensions — Enable end point dimensions. This option is only effective when midpoint dimensioning is enabled.
  • Use Diameter Threshold — This specifies the nominal pipe diameter above which mid/endpoint dimensioning is disabled. The value can be specified in decimal inches or millimeters. The conversion factor used is 25.
Standout Differences Specifies the distance from centerline to dimension line for each of the dimensioning levels in millimeters.
  • Support Dimensions (mm) — Level 1 - Supports (mm): Defines distance between support and dimensioning line in (mm).
  • Component Dimensions (mm) — Defines distance between component and dimensioning line in (mm).
  • Overall Dimensions (mm) — Defines distance between component (or group of components) and dimensioning line in (mm).
  • Minimum Leader (mm) - Defines the minimum length of the leader line for standout dimensions.
Component Dimensioning Component level dimensions provide the basic dimensioning for fabrication.
Note: Please note that some of these options may conflict with one another. As you select an option (or hover the mouse over it) information regarding any rules which apply to the functionality of the option is displayed at the bottom.
  • Hide Component Dimensions — Do not show component level dimension.
  • Dimension Pipes — Force pipes to be individually dimensioned.
  • Dimension Bends — Force bends to be individually dimensioned.
  • Dimension Inline Fittings — Force inline components to be individually dimensioned.
  • Dimension Non-Inline Fittings — Force non-inline components (Tee, cross, elbow) to have each leg individually dimensioned.
  • Dimension Gaskets — Force gaskets to be individually dimensioned.
  • Dimension Field Welds — Toggles On/Off the dimensioning of field weld positions.
  • Combine Gasket with Fitting — Overrides the Dimension Gaskets option. Only available for inline fittings.
  • Combine Flange with Fitting — When checked a non flanged fitting port connected to a flange is interpreted as an assembly joint. Overrides the "dimension inline/non-inline fittings" setting.
When finished making any changes in the fields, click Save to apply the changes.
The Undo button will undo any changes made.
Note: The Save and Undo buttons only enable when changes are made.

Additional Dimension Customizations

There are other dimension customization options that can be configured directly in an isometric style's configuration files. Click on the links below for detailed information on these custom options:

Configure Gasket Markings

Show Weld Allowances

Dual Dimensions