OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Display Gasket Markings

Gasket tick marks provide a visual aid for interpreting dimensions that end on a gasket. In the Style.cfg file for each isometric style, define the settings in the table below to control the display of the tick marks. lThese files are located in the following directory (using the IFC style as an example):


The following section has been added to control the display of gasket tick marks:

# to show gasket tick marks set to 1

DimTickShow = 1 # weight for gasket tick marks

DimTickWeight = 3 # Cheap gasket dimensioning, Gasket are dimensioned to one side at most

DimTickAll = 0 # Dimension witness line offset for centerline for a given endprep

DimLift_FL = 10

DimLift_IF = 10

See the table below for descriptions on the options:


1 - Enables the display of tick marks.

0 - Disables the display of tick marks.

When enabled tick marks are placed where only one side of the gasket has a dimension waypoint as shown:


The numbered setting defines the thickness of the tick mark (Example: DimTickWeight = 3 is the default)


DimTickAll=1: Every gasket that would have normally have dimension way points on both sides will now get only one. (See Below)

DimTickAll=0: Turns off this option.

Note: Please note that this is only applied when the Combine Gasket with Fitting is enabled.

In this same section are variables to define an offset for dimension extension lines for flanges and gaskets. This value offsets the extension line from the element as shown below:

Ordinarily this offset is defined in the Microstation Dimension Styles dialog and this is still the default method of defining dimension styles. The following variables however, can be defined for each isometric style to control how the extension line is offset for flanges and gaskets:

DimLift_FL = 5.5

DimLift_IF = 5.5

Note: The values for the offsets are defined in millimeters.