OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Start-Up Options

Interactive geospatial schema editing is done with the Geospatial Administrator (geospatialadmin.exe). This executable is found in ...\Program Files\OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition\OpenCities Map installation folder. You can specify which schema to open by using the -l option:

 geospatialadmin.exe -l=full_file_specification.xml

The executable can be run without the splash screen by adding -nosplash

geospatialadmin.exe -nosplash -l=full_file_specification.xml

In the same folder, you'll find geospatialadminCL.exe which provides the ability to generate (export) workspaces without a visible user interface. For convenience you can also make use of the recently opened file history in the "File" menu for quick access to previously opened schema files.

GeospatialAdminCL has a variety of options which can be reviewed with the following: GeospatialAdminCL /?




-quiet Suppresses all output when exporting the workspace -quiet
-culture Sets the culture/language -culture=cultureString
-verbose Set verbose message when exporting the workspace -verbose=true|false
-expand Expands variables when saving the XML file -expand=true|false
-executable Launch executable -executable=c:\bentley\MS\ustation.exe


Specifies an alternate configuration folder -wr=d:\projectABC\Configuration


Sets the root location for source files that are to be copied when the workspace is exported -bsd=c:\bentley\BaseSourceDir\


Sets the root location for source files (unicoded base sources directory) that are to be copied when the workspace is exported



Opens the specified XML file -l=d:\projectABC\ProjectABC.xml


Saves to the specified XML file. Same as Save As. -sa=d:\projectDEF\ProjectDEF.xml
-ld Import database -ld CommonOption (See below)
Common Options:



Access Options:
Oracle Options:
-ra Replaces the specified attribute -ra=original=Water;new=River
-rn Replaces specified node text -rn=original=PoleText;new=PoleAnnotation
-rp Replaces schema specific attributes -rp=original=geo-example;new=geo_example
-rw Replaces schema specific attributes -rw=original=geo-example;new=xfm_design
-sp Sets the schema name -sp=ProjectABC
-sw1 Sets the first workset name -sw1=GIS
-s Sets the schema name and first workset name -s=ProjectABC
-pp Sets the project parent path from the workset root. -pp=\Projects\Examples\Geospatial
-xe Exports all metadata and workset files -xe
-xa Exports all metadata -xa
-projectImport -projectImport
-advanceMenu Adds an Advanced Menu to the Tools menu -advancedMenu=True
-xmlencoding Sets encoding for exported xml files -xmlencoding=Unicode|utf8|utf7|ascii|defualt|bigendianunicode
-xc Copy file replacing shared strings -xc=sourceFile;DestinationFile

The options are case sensitive. The order of the options is important. For example, you must load the schema with -l before you can export it.


GeospatialAdminCL.exe -l=d:\projects\ProjectABC.xml -sa=d:\projects\ProjectXYZ.xml Saves ProjectABC.xml to ProjectXYZ.xml

GeospatialAdminCL.exe -l=d:\projects\ProjectXYZ.xml -sw1=Designer -xe Opens ProjectXYZ.xml, sets the first workset to Designer, and exports all metadata and workset files.