OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Tree hierarchy: ... > Site > Zone

Zone tree objects are hierarchically organized under the Zones object which is at the same hierarchical level as the Building tree object. Zone tree objects contain the room and room division objects that are defined for the zone.

Zones are automatically generated when an OpenBuildings Energy Simulator project is created (Zone: AllRooms) when floors are added (Zone: [floor name]) to the project building. Zone:AllRooms contains all the rooms and room divisions in the project building. Zone: [floor name] contains all the rooms and room divisions that exist on the floor.

CAUTION: These automatically generated zones can not be deleted from the project. Additional Zones can be created to contain any room or room division in the project building with the controls found on the Zone Manager dialog.

Zone pop-up menu

The Zone tree object provides context for additional options on the following pop-up menu:

Note: The full pop-up menu is only available for zones created with the Zone Manager dialog. Automatically generated zones can not be added to or renamed. Only their properties can be viewed.
Add room to zone Used to add a room to the selected zone. Follow the prompt and select a room to complete the action.
Rename Used to rename the zone.
Properties Opens the Properties for: Zone dialog.

Zones pop-up menu

The Zones tree object is the parent of the Zones object. It also provides context for additional options on the following pop-up menu:

Zone Manager Opens the Zone Manager dialog where zones are defined for the project.