OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Text Styles Dialog, Spacing Tab

Contains controls for spacing text styles. The Text category of the Preferences dialog has controls used to set preferences related to text labels and spacing.

Line Spacing Type

Line spacing set at 5.00. Horizontal Line Spacing Types (L to R): Exact, Automatic, From Line Top, and At Least.

Line spacing set at 5.00. Vertical Line Spacing Types (L to R): Exact, Automatic, From Line Top, and At Least.

Sets the distance, in text height units, between lines of text using the following methods:
  • Exact (DGN workmode only) — The distance to the next line is calculated as: Top of line + Line Spacing + the baseline. (Baseline is determined by the arrangement origin of the text (upper left) + the height of the tallest character.)When the Vertical text style setting is on, the distance between lines of vertical text is calculated as: Current line origin + the maximum width of characters in the line + Line Spacing. The Exact method does not account for extreme variance in descender depth. To get the line spacing that you want, try adjusting the line spacing value.
  • Automatic (DGN workmode only) — The distance to the next line is calculated as: Top of line + Line Spacing + baseline. (Baseline is determined by the arrangement origin of the text (upper left) + the height of the tallest character.)When the Vertical text style setting is on, the distance between lines of vertical text is calculated as the maximum of either Line Spacing or the maximum width of characters in the line. The Automatic method does not account for extreme variance in descender depth. To get the line spacing that you want, try adjusting the line spacing value.
  • From Line Top — For horizontal and vertical text, the distance to the next line is calculated as: Top of line + Line Spacing. This method is analogous to the AutoCAD Exactly line spacing setting. It provides rigid control over line spacing, and is generally used for table-based text. However, since the spacing does not vary, the lowest point on one line may overlap the top of the next line.
  • At Least — The distance to the next line is calculated as: 1/3 of the maximum height of a character + 1/3 of the node number height + the lowest point of the text * Line Spacing. When the Vertical text style setting is on, the same rules apply, except that the distance is between the left side of one line of text and the left side of the following line of text. This method is analogous to the AutoCAD At Least line spacing setting. It is variable, data dependent, and uses Line Spacing as a factor, not a distance.
Line Spacing Sets the distance, between:
  • Lines in a multi-line text element (text node) when it is placed.
  • Text and an identified element, when the Place Text Along tool is used with any of these Methods: Above Element, Below Element, or Along Element.
The distance is calculated by multiplying the line spacing entered in this field with the text height. For example, if the line spacing entered is 1.2 and the text height is 5, the distance will be 6.
ACTIVE LINE SPACE [ mu:su:pu ]
LS= [ mu:su:pu ]
Intercharacter Sets the distance, in text height units, between characters in text when placed.
Line Offset X Sets the distance, in text height units, between placed text and the position from which the text is drawn in X.
Line Offset Y Sets the distance, in text height units, between placed text and the position from which the text is drawn in Y.
Fixed Spacing Uses Inter Character Spacing value to set the distance from the start of one character to the start of the next character, rather than between characters.
Backwards If on, reverses the orientation of text horizontally when placed.
Upside Down If on, reverses the orientation of text vertically when placed.
Super Script If on, sets placed text with superscript characteristics.
Sub Script If on, sets placed text with subscript characteristics.
Line Length Sets the Active Line Length - the maximum number of characters per line in a multi-line text element (text node). The Active Line Length cannot be set higher than 65,535.
Margin Justification If on, aligns placed text to the margins.