OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Locate Keynote

Used to locate and highlight keynotes either throughout a design file or in relationship to a fence.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Change (split button) > Locate Keynote
Note: The Locate Keynote tool has a cumulative effect. Locating additional keynotes does not remove the highlighting applied to previously selected keynotes. To remove keynote highlights, use the Unlocate Keynote .

Current Specifies the desired keynote.
Select Opens the Keynote List window. The selected symbol displays in the Current field and the description of the keynote appears below the field.
Use Fence Controls the method for selecting the keynotes:
  • If on, uses a fence to identify the keynotes.
  • If off, searches the entire design file for the keynotes.

To enable this setting, draw a fence using the Place Fence tool.

Fence Mode Specifies the fence mode that identifies the desired keynotes:
  • Inside: Keynotes completely inside the fence are selected.
  • Overlap: Keynotes inside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Clip: Keynotes completely inside the fence and parts of keynotes inside and overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void: Keynotes completely outside the fence are selected.
  • Void-Overlap: Keynotes outside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void-Clip: Keynotes completely outside the fence and parts of keynotes outside and overlapping the fence are selected.
Hilite Color Sets the color to apply to the symbols of the keynotes that satisfy the search criteria.