OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Unlocate Keynote

Used to remove keynote highlighting.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Change (split button) > Unlocate Keynote

Use Fence Controls the method for selecting the keynotes:
  • If on, uses a fence to identify the keynotes to restore to their original color.
  • If off, restores all keynotes in the design file to their original color.

To enable this setting, draw a fence using the Place Fence tool.

Fence Mode Specifies the fence mode that identifies the keynotes:
  • Inside: Keynotes completely inside the fence are selected.
  • Overlap: Keynotes inside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Clip: Keynotes completely inside the fence and parts of keynotes inside and overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void: Keynotes completely outside the fence are selected.
  • Void-Overlap: Keynotes outside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void-Clip: Keynotes completely outside the fence and parts of keynotes outside and overlapping the fence are selected.