OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Identify Keynote

Used to display the symbol and the description of a keynote.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Change (split button) > Identify Keynote

Currently selected keynote details are displayed in the Identify keynote dialog.
Symbol Displays the symbol of active keynote.
Design File Description Displays the name of the design file of active keynote. This is different from the DGN file.
Keynote File Description Displays the description of the active keynote list file. By default, same as design file description. Sometimes these two descriptions are different, such as when the keynote file has been changed.
Tip: If the description in the DGN file is not the same as that found in the keynote list file, use the Change Keynote to search for the erroneous keynote symbol and replace it with the same keynote symbol.