OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Change Keynote

Used to replace one keynote with another keynote either individually or collectively.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Change (split button) > Change Keynote

Keynote To Search For Specifies the keynote to change. To enable this setting, turn on Use Fence.
Select Opens the Keynote List tool settings window.
Replacement Keynote Specifies the keynote.
Select Opens the Keynote List settings window.
Change Specifies what to change:
  • Text Only — Changes only the keynote text.
  • All Attributes — Changes both the text and the symbology of the keynote.
Fence Mode Specifies the fence mode that identifies the keynotes:
  • Inside: Keynotes completely inside the fence are selected.
  • Overlap: Keynotes inside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Clip: Keynotes completely inside the fence and parts of keynotes inside and overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void: Keynotes completely outside the fence are selected.
  • Void-Overlap: Keynotes outside or overlapping the fence are selected.
  • Void-Clip: Keynotes completely outside the fence and parts of keynotes outside and overlapping the fence are selected.
Use Fence Controls the method for selecting the keynotes:
  • If on, uses a fence to identify the keynotes.
  • If off, selects keynotes individually.