OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Catalog Item Manager

Used to add or remove Catalog Items supplied by OpenBuildings Designer to and from a Organization dataset.

Accessed From:
  • For selected catalog item in Catalog Editor : right-click > Catalog Item Manager
  • Place (Element) Properties dialog: Catalog tools selector > Catalog Item Manager

For a given catalog type the catalog items library elements can be easily copied into the dataset or moved back. Catalog items in the current dataset can also be promoted by moving them across the levels.

With this dialog, you can:

  • Start with a smaller installed dataset and add only what you need from the library
  • Create your own libraries for organization-specific items, making it easier to extract them from datasets for previous OpenBuildings Designer releases and then merge them into the current dataset
  • Promote catalog items from a workset level to the organization level
Catalog Type Displays name of the catalog of the catalog item selected in the catalog list in Catalog Editor.
Library Source Displays the selected catalog item library file (*.xml) or the library file selected when using to create new library sources.
Create Library source file Opens the Create Library source file dialog pointing to the default folder where library files are saved. Enter a valid library file name and click Save.
Tip: It is recommended you name the library file similar to the selected catalog type name.

A given Catalog Type can have multiple set of library files created to work in distributed project environment. This is done by using the icon for already opened library and saved after naming the library file different.

Select Library source file Opens the Select Library source file dialog pointing to the default folder where library files are saved. For types having libraries already created in the library location, the library source field automatically picks the latest library name. For Catalog Types having multiple set of library files created, pick a valid alternate library file from the list that corresponds to the current catalog type and click Open.
Note: The default location of the library content loaded and unloaded is set with the variable DG_CATALOGS_LIB. This is a unique location assigned to catalog library (default location at \\dataset\datagroupcatalogs_lib), hence the path should not be appended with other configuration variables. Attempting to open an XML file that is not in association with the current catalog type prompts an error message: "xml does not contain any catalog items that belong to the 'selected' catalog type". You need to select a file that contains "selected" catalog type items.
Catalog Items Library Displays the list of catalog items (that were moved from the dataset) in the selected library. Grey items indicate they are already in the Catalog. They are displayed while Hide Used Catalog Items toggle in the bottom is unchecked.
Note: Clicking in the Catalog Items Library field toggles the list within a level in ascending to descending order.
Start Typing to filter ... Filters the list that contains the string being entered in the field. Useful when you want to narrow down the item list. To clear the filter click the [X] button next to it.
Catalog Items right-click options
  • Delete - Removes unwanted items from the Library.
  • Rename - Activates an editor field for renaming.
Hide Used Catalog Items When on, catalog items already being used (grey) are set hidden in the Catalog Item Library list.
Select/Unselect arrows Press the Select/Unselect definitions and Move arrows to manipulate selections.
  • - Moves selected catalog items from Catalog Item Library to the Items in Dataset.
  • - Moves entire list of catalog items from Catalog Item Library to the Items in Dataset.
  • - Moves selected Items in Dataset back to the Catalog Item Library.
  • - Moves entire list of Items in Dataset back to the Catalog Item Library.
Note: Use <Shift > key to select more than one consecutive catalog items or <Ctrl> key to select more than one distinct catalog items. If the selected catalog item is already available in the destination list, the Copy Item dialog displays.

You can either copy, move and replace the item or replicate copy of selected item –renamed with prefix (2) is added; or skip (Do Nothing) the move command. This is useful when you want to copy catalog items from one workset to another.
Catalog Items in Dataset Displays the current catalog items in the dataset.
Note: Clicking the Catalog Items in Dataset field toggles the list in ascending to descending order.
Start Typing to filter ... Filters the list that contains the string being entered in the field. To clear the filter click the [X] button next to it.
Catalog Items in Dataset right-click options
  • Delete - Removes unwanted items from the Library.
  • Rename - Activates an editor field for renaming.
Move Up/Down arrows By default, items moved from Catalog Item Library to Catalog Item Dataset are stacked in the Workset level. However, you can promote desired items to Workspace followed by Organization level, simply by moving them up. Based on the order of currently selected Catalog Item level, the move up or move down button is enabled.
  • - Moves the selected Catalog Item to upper level.
  • - Moves the selected Catalog Item to lower level.
Note: For default types having no Workspace / Workset level items, moving a catalog item down, say from Organization or Workspace creates new Workspace followed by Workset level, respectively. For catalog types that have items moved to the workspace or workset level dataset, creates an XML Catalog file in the dataset datagroupcatalog folder.
OK Applies the catalog item changes in the dataset of the current catalog type.
Cancel Discards the changes to closes the dialog.