MicroStation Help

Attach Tab

Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Attach group.


  • Attach Reference
  • Opens the Attach Reference dialog, which is used to attach one or more models to the active model.
  • Mirror Reference
  • Used to mirror a reference about a vertical or horizontal axis.
  • Copy/Fold Reference
  • Copies the selected reference, then attaches a view of the reference by folding it about an orthogonal axis or a line defined.
  • References
  • Used to attach and detach referenced models, adjust reference settings and select reference tools.


  • Attach
  • Used to attach a raster reference to a DGN file.
  • Bring to Front
  • Used to bring a raster image forward in the display stack, in a view(s).
  • Send to Back
  • Used to send a raster image back in the display stack, in a view(s).
  • Fit to View
  • Used to fit one or more raster images to a view(s).
  • Actual Resolution (1:1)
  • Used to fit a raster image in a view such that it displays at its Actual Resolution (1:1).
  • Contrast/Brightness
  • Used to fit a raster image in a view such that it displays at its Actual Resolution (1:1).
  • Transform
  • Used to move, scale, or rotate a raster.
  • Move
  • Used to move an image to a new location.
  • Scale
  • Used to change the proportionate dimensions of an image.
  • Rotate
  • Used to rotate an image.
  • Mirror
  • Used to mirror the selected raster image horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  • Clip
  • Used to crop a raster image (Clip Boundary), or to define a masked area (Clip Mask).
  • Unclip
  • Used to remove one or more clipping polygons from a raster image.
  • Warp
  • Used to adjust the size and shape of a raster image with a combination of move, scale, rotate, and skew options.
  • Raster Selection
  • Used to select, interactively, one or more raster references.
  • Modify Clip
  • Used to modify the clipping polygon for a clipped raster image.
  • Raster Manager
  • Used to control the display of one or more raster images in a DGN file view.

Point Cloud

  • Attach
  • Opens a standard Open dialog, which is used to attach a point cloud to the DGN.
  • Detach
  • Used to detach a point cloud from the DGN file.
  • Clip
  • Used to crop a point cloud (Boundary mode) or to define a masked area (Mask mode).
  • Delete Clip
  • Used to delete a clip from a point cloud.
  • Point Clouds
  • Used to manage the display of one or more point clouds in a DGN file view.

Reality Mesh

  • Attach
  • Used to attach a reality mesh by either entering the URL or browsing to a reality mesh file.
  • Detach
  • Detaches the selected reality mesh.
  • Clip
  • Clips a reality mesh to the interior of an existing element.
  • Split
  • Splits a reality mesh into two meshes representing interior and exterior of an existing element.
  • Attach Classifier
  • Used to attach a new classification to the selected reality mesh by selecting any element within the classification.
  • Mask
  • Covers a portion of a reference that is inside a boundary.
  • Select Classifier
  • Allows selection of the classification boundaries by picking the reality mesh directly.
  • Realty Mesh
  • Used to attach and manipulate reality meshes.

Item Types

  • Attach Item
  • Used to attach an item type to an element, file, model, or reference and place its properties as text in the design.
  • Item Types
  • Used to create custom item types and add properties to custom item types.


  • Visual Query Builder
  • Used to generate database queries by graphical or visual means, and to generate reusable database form dialogs (obtained from queries) which easily interface with the database.
  • Database Settings
  • Used to control settings related to linkages between elements and database rows.
  • Attach Active Entity
  • Used to attach the Active Entity to an element or set of elements using the Use Fence setting for fence operations.
  • Detach Database Linkage
  • Used to detach database rows from an element or set of selected elements using the Use Fence setting for fence operations.
  • Attach Displayable Attributes
  • Used to assign an empty text node as a displayable attribute text node that can be designated to display attribute data with the Load Displayable Attributes tool.
  • Setup
  • Used to create, review, and modify MSCATALOG and also to create and drop tables in the connected external database.
  • Generate Report Table
  • Used to generate a report table for each table that has rows attached to elements in a fence contents.
  • Database Disconnect
  • Used to disconnect from a database server.