MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Cut Solid with Curve

Used to cut solids using a profile. It requires at least one 2D profile and a solid to operate. It can, however use more than one profile and multiple solids in a single operation. The profile can be "open" (linear elements such as a Line or Complex chain) or "closed" (such as a Shape). Open profiles must extend to (or beyond) the boundaries of the solid.

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Solids > Features
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Modify > Features
  • Toolbox: Solid Features

Cut Direction Sets the direction of the cut, which is relative to the profile's surface normal.
  • Both — Both directions from the profile's plane.
  • Forward — In the direction of the profile's surface normal.
  • Back — In the reverse direction of the profile's surface normal.
Cut Mode Sets the limits of the cut.
  • Through — Cuts through all faces of the solid.
  • Define Depth — Cuts into the solid a defined distance.
Cut Depth (Cut Mode set to Define Depth only) Sets the cut's projection distance.
Variable Link
Let's you use an existing variable to set the input value, defined in the Variables dialog.
Note: If no variables exist, you will be alerted to create one first.
Profile Sets the behavior of the profile after the feature is created.
  • Hide - The profile is associated with the feature to allow for later modification, but is not visible. To use or modify the profile again, you will need to use Show Input Element command from the reset pop-up menu or the Show Input Element tool.
  • Show - The profile is associated with the feature to allow for later modification and is visible. This allows you to quickly reuse the same profile in another 3D operation. Modifying the profile will affect both operations.
  • Copy and Hide - Similar to Hide; except that a copy of the profile is made first, leaving the original profile unassociated. This allows you to quickly reuse the same profile in another 3D operation that you do not wish to be associated with the previous feature.
Orthogonal checkbox If on, let you create an orthogonal cut. If off, lets you create a non-orthogonal cut on a solid. This checkbox is on by default.
Split Solid checkbox If on, the edges of the profile are used to cut the solid, but no material is removed. This checkbox is off by default.