GenerativeComponents Help

Building Custom Controllers

Although sliders and law curves are a highly effective means of controlling a model through separate graphic interfaces, sometimes it is necessary to build a unique controller for a particular aspect of a model. Depending on the type of model being developed, different designs require different controllers. Modeling in GenerativeComponents with unique controllers allows you to concurrently work at multiple scales, developing a detail in one window that is referenced to a larger model in another. As the detail evolves or changes, all references in the large model will update and reflect its changes in real-time. Moreover, a detail can be modeled in such a way that the design history is incrementally recorded and documented. With step recording, a GenerativeComponents workspace template can be created to capture design variations with different views of each element under various configurations. Design variations allow for easy comparison of design solutions at all scales, from building details to an overall design.

Because nearly every node in GenerativeComponents can be used to control the behavior of another node, it is useful to set up custom control interfaces to manipulate a large or complex model.