ContextCapture User Guide

The production result

When using the default settings, a 3MX production is a web-ready production. In this case, the production result is split in 2 parts.

First, the scene in 3MX format is in the Scene folder, as you can see in Figure 3. The scene is organized in a tree-like structure, very similar to the native S3C scene. The root of the scene is the Scene/YourProductionName.3mx file. In Figure 3, the production is called WebGL, so the root 3MX file is Scene/WebGL.3mx. If you wish to know more about the 3MX organization, we refer you the 3MX specification documentation ( ).

A second folder is included in a default 3MX production: the App folder. This contains the ContextCapture web application. Note that the App folder exists only if the option "Generate WebGL application" is checked at production time.

The files you need to care about in the App folder are:

  • The index.html file. It is the root file for the application
  • The config.json file. This file points to the Scene/YourProductionName.3mx file, so the ContextCapture web viewer knows what scene to load.


If you double click on index.html file, you will not see the application. Your preferred browser should open the file and display a warning message like the one shown in the image below. This is due to browser security settings.

Double clicking on the web application (index.html) shows a warning in the browser, because of the same origin policy all browsers implement.

Displaying locally your webGL production requires an amount of technical expertise. If you only wish to verify your 3MX production, you can open it with the ContextCapture Desktop Viewer. You just need to choose 3MX as the type of file to open, and navigate to your Scene/YourProductionName.3mx file (see screenshot below).

Opening a 3mx file in ContextCapture Desktop Viewer

If you do however need to open the ContextCapture Web Viewer locally, please see "Appendix A: View the ContextCapture Web application locally" for step-by-step instructions.