Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Replacing Existing Facilities

To replace existing facilities

The Replace operation is used to replace existing facilities, particularly with jobs involving pole or conductor replacement, voltage conversions, or phase rolls.

During this operation, the Design Assistant changes the Life Cycle Status value of the selected feature(s) from Existing to Proposed Remove and assigns a new feature to the work location with the current default attributes as defined for this feature type in the Features Catalog. The Life Cycle Status of the replacement feature(s) is Proposed Install.

Facility replacement consists of three basic steps:
  1. Incorporating the existing facilities into the active design (see Constructing Paths and Work Locations to Retrieve Existing Features from the GIS).
  2. In the GIS window construct a path that will retrieve the existing facilities that you want to replace.
  3. Using the Replace command to change out the selected facilities.

The Replace command is accessed from the shortcut menu of the Design Workspace.

  1. Open the design in the Design Assistant window.
  2. In the GIS window construct a path that will retrieve the existing facilities that you want to replace.
  3. From the Design Assistant's View menu, choose By Feature Type to display these existing features by feature type in the Design Workspace.
  4. To view all instances of the feature that you want to replace, expand the folder of this feature type.
    Note: You can check the attributes of the features to be replaced by referring to either the Description column of the Design Workspace or the Feature Editor.
    Note: You can verify the default attributes of the replacement feature by double-clicking the feature type in the Features Catalog. The Placement Defaults dialog box will allow you to make any necessary changes in the feature definition.
  5. In the Design Workspace, select the feature(s) that you want to replace.
    Note: For multiple selections, use the CTRL key. To replace all features of this feature type, simply select the folder of the feature type.
  6. Right-click any selected item and choose Replace from the shortcut menu.