SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Viewing and Editing Data in FlexTables

FlexTables lets you view input data and results for all elements of a specific type in a tabular format. You can use the standard set of FlexTables or create customized FlexTables to compare data and create reports.

FlexTables lets you view all elements in the model, all elements of a specific type, or any subset of elements. Additionally, to ease data input and present output data for specific elements, FlexTables can be:

If you need to edit a set of properties for all elements of a certain type in your network, you might consider creating a FlexTable and making your changes there, rather than editing each element one at a time, in sequence.

FlexTables can also be used to create results reports that you can print, save as a file, or copy to the Windows clipboard for copying into word processing or spreadsheet software.

To work with FlexTables, select the FlexTables manager or use View > FlexTables (Ctrl+7) to open the FlexTables manager if it is closed.

Click one of the following links to learn more about using FlexTables: