SewerGEMS 2024 Help

2-Scenario Pipe FlexTable

Creating a new 2-Scenario FlexTable

This feature is only available in the Bentley Civil products (e.g. OpenRoads Designer).

To create a new 2-Scenario FlexTable, follow these steps:

  1. Open the FlexTable Manager.
  2. Click the New drop-down button and select “2-Scenario FlexTable”. You can also use the right-click context menu.
  3. The table Type is automatically set to Conduit.
  4. Select the fields to include in the table.
  5. Click OK.

2-Scenario FlexTable Data

The data in the 2-Scenario FlexTable is presented using two rows for each conduit. This is so that you can compare the values from two scenarios. When the FlexTable is opened, the following is assumed:

  • "Scenario #1" is always read-only and is always the active scenario.
  • "Scenario #2" is editable and defaults to the active scenario when the FlexTable is initially created.

You can set the active scenario appropriately before you open the FlexTable, and you can also change the active scenario after the FlexTable has been opened, and the FlexTable will be updated. Choose the scenario that you want to compare Scenario #1 with after you have opened the FlexTable.

The following fields will populate data in both rows of this FlexTable. Depending on the field, the two values will be for:
  • The upstream and downstream ends of the conduit, such as for the Depth (Trench) column for example
  • Scenario’s 1 and 2, such as for the Depth/Rise column for example

The following fields behave in this way:

  • -Label: This is the label of the conduit.
  • -Depth (Trench)- Upstream Downstream: This is the depth measured from the ground to the bottom of the conduit (which is defined as the invert elevation minus the wall thickness) at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Depth / Rise- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: This is the ratio of the average depth of water in the conduit to the Rise of the conduit, expressed as a percentage, for both scenarios.
  • -Depth- Upstream Downstream: The Depth (Out) for the node at the start end of the conduit, and the Depth (In) for the node at the stop end of the conduit.
  • -Diameter- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The diameter of this conduit, for both scenarios (circular shape only).
  • -Downstream Node Flow (Total In)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The total flow arriving at the downstream node of this conduit, for both scenarios.
  • -Downstream Structure Depth (Trench)-: This is calculated by deducting the downstream nodes invert from the ground level.

    Scenario 2 (second row) is shown as blank on purpose.

    Wet wells, air valves and pressure junctions show (N/A) for first row.

  • -EGL- Upstream Downstream: The energy grade line at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Flow (Local In)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The flow that enters the system at the upstream node of this conduit, for both scenarios.
  • -Flow Accumulation Rate- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: This is the flow divided by the length of the conduit, for both scenarios.
  • -Ground- Upstream Downstream: The ground elevation at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -HGL- Upstream Downstream: The hydraulic grade line at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Invert (Conduit)- Upstream Downstream: The inverts at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Invert- Upstream Downstream: The invert of the node at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Node- Upstream Downstream: The labels of the nodes at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Rise (Unified)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The rise of the conduit, for both scenarios. For circular conduits, this is the diameter. For other shapes, this is the rise field that applies to that shape. For irregular channels (closed or open), the rise is determined based on the collection data (difference between the maximum elevation and minimum elevation entered).
  • -Slope (Calculated)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The calculated slope of the conduit, for both scenarios.
  • -Tractive Stress (Calculated)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The calculated tractive stress for the conduit, for both scenarios. This value is only calculated by the GVF-Convex solver.
  • -Upstream Node Flow (Out)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The total flow leaving the upstream node of this conduit.

    Because of Calculation options like “Pipe Flow Includes Pipe Travel Time?”, this may not be the same as the Flow (Start) value for the conduit.

  • -Velocity (Critical)- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The critical velocity, for both scenarios.
  • -Velocity- Scenario 1 Scenario 2: The velocity, for both scenarios.
  • -X- Upstream Downstream: The X coordinate of the nodes at the start and stop ends of the conduit.
  • -Y- Upstream Downstream: The Y coordinate of the nodes at the start and stop ends of the conduit.

To allow these fields to appear first in the FlexTable edit dialog, they are preceded with an empty space and a hyphen.

Note that “Upstream” and “Downstream” are normally referred to as “Start” and “Stop”.

Any other fields that are included in this FlexTable will only display the value for scenario 1.

The following fields are also of particular relevance to this FlexTable:

  • Backdrop Height: The difference in height between the conduits downstream (stop) elevation, and the invert of the downstream (stop) node.
  • Minimum Standpipe Height: The minimum height before a standpipe needs to be fitted where the conduit connects to the downstream (stop) node. The default value for this field is available in Default Design Constraints, on the Node tab, and it can be overridden in the Node properties.
  • Has Drop Standpipe?: This boolean field will return True when the Backdrop height is greater than the Minimum Standpipe Height, and False when it isn’t.

Limitations of the 2-Scenario FlexTable

This FlexTable has some built-in limitations:

  • Read-Only: The table is read-only. No changes can be made to any fields in the table. Global edit is unavailable for all fields. If you need to make any changes to any fields in the table, you should use other means of editing available in the software.
  • Export: Export to Shapefile is unavailable for this FlexTable. You can still export to either a .csv or .txt file.
  • Paste: Pasting into the table is not available.
  • Filtering: Filtering is not available for the columns listed above.
  • Sorting: Sort Upstream-> Downstream, Sort Downstream-> Upstream and Sort Dentritic (Upstream-> Downstream) are available on the column right-click context menu for any column. This sorts based on the active scenario.

You can change the column label of any column. The custom value is stored with the FlexTable.

Standard and HTML reports are available using the commands in the toolbar.

If you delete the active scenario then Scenario #1 is reset to the new active scenario. The table is then refreshed.

If you delete the scenario assigned as Scenario #2 it is reset to the active scenario. The table is then refreshed.

If there are no results, then (N/A) is shown.