Bentley Navigator

Property Settings

Items can contain a large number of properties making it difficult to find the specific information you need. Using the Property Settings, you can control the display of this list by filtering unwanted properties or marking specific properties as favorites. Select the Property Settings icon in the upper right of the Properties zone to open the dialog that is used to control the display.

Note: When you favorite or filter properties, it is only for the class of the item selected. As different classes contain different properties, this action needs to be repeated for each class.

Filter Properties

The first tab in the Properties Settings dialog allows you to hide unwanted properties. By default all properties are selected, which means they display in the Properties zone. Select the properties you do not want to see; they are deselected and do not display in the Properties zone. The list of properties is sorted alphabetically. Using the search bar filters the list to make it easier to find the property for which you are looking. Searching in this dialog has no impact on whether a property appears or not. Next to the search bar are two options, Show All or Hide All, which selects or deselects all the properties.

Note: Filtering properties does not change the group in which the property appears. If all properties for a group are hidden, then the group does not display in the zone.

Favorite Properties

The second tab in the Property Settings dialog allows you to set specific properties as favorites. These properties display in a new group called Favorites, which appears first in the Property zone. Favorites need to be added one at a time and can be created by selecting the "+" or add button. Select the property from the list and it is added to your favorites list. Once a property is added, select the property to see additional tools for changing the order or removing the property.

Note: Favorite properties appear in the Favorites group as well as their original group. A property can be in both the Filter and Favorite list; when this happens the property displays in the Favorites group but not in its original group.