AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Associate an Existing Organization with an Asset

There are two ways to associated an existing organization to an asset, in AssetWise CONNECT Edition:

If the organization does not yet exist in CONNECT Edition, then see Adding a New Organization to an Asset.

Associating an Existing Organization Using the Actions Menu

  1. Open the asset to which you want to associate to an organization.
  2. Select the Organizations tab.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Add existing organization.

    The Add Existing Organization dialog appears.

  4. In the Add from list, select how you want to locate the organization. Your choices are Basket (default), Favorites, Advanced Search, and Search Results.
  5. If you selected Basket, all organizations that have been added to your Basket appear in the list. You can select the organization, and then click Add selected.

    The organization is now associated with the asset.

  6. If you selected Favorites, all organizations that have been added to your Favorites appear in the list. You can select folders until the organization you are searching for appears, then select the organization, and then click Add selected.

    The organization is now associated with the asset.

  7. If you selected Advanced search, You can use the advanced search feature of AssetWise CONNECT Edition in order to locate the organization. For more information about Advanced Searches, see Search.
  8. If you selected Search Results, enter a few characters of the organization name click Search, then select the organization from the list and click Add Selected.

    The organization is now associated with the asset.

Associating an Existing Organization Using Quick Add

  1. Open the asset to which you want to associate to an organization.
  2. Select the Organizations tab.
  3. In the organization list area, begin typing the organization name. A list of organizations with a matching character combination, appear in the list. For example:
  4. You can continue to refine the list by entering additional characters, or you can select the organization from the list.
  5. When you are finished, click Add.

    The organization is now associated with the asset.