AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Modifying web.config for Brava Integration

After creating the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory and enabling the Brava! Web Viewer Integration plug-in, you must go to the deployed virtual directory, open the WEB.CONFIG file, and modify the BravaUrl setting as described below:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the deployed virtual directory (for example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\assetwise) and open web.config using a text editor.

    You must first open your text editor in Administrator mode (Run as administrator), then open the WEB.CONFIG file by selecting File, and then Open.

    Note: You cannot drag a file into Notepad when it is running in Administrator mode.
  2. Locate the setting:
    <!-- The url settings must be configured to enable viewing.    
    <add key="AW:Brava:PrivateUrl" value="https://private.server:8080/" />   
  3. Remove commenting from the key-value pair so that it resembles the following:
    <add key="AW:Brava:PrivateUrl" value="https://private.server:8080" />   
  4. In the AW:Brava:PrivateUrl key, assign the Brava Server URL to the value property.
    For example,

    Where <brava-machine-name> is the name of the machine where the Brava Tomcat server is installed, (this should be the URL of the brava servlet in Tomcat). If you are not using port 8080 for Brava, change 8080 to your specific port number.

    If this setting is configured, the Brava integration sends files directly to the Brava servlet when preparing to view them.

  5. Save and close web.config.