AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Error Messages

The Error Messages page is used to maintain the error and Information messages displayed in all AWLRS modules. You cannot create new error messages and cannot delete existing ones.

You can change the error message text and "Possible Cause" by clicking the button next to the Error Message record. The Error Message Details dialog is displayed:

The dialog contains the following fields:
  • Product (Read-only) - The code of the Exor Product in which the error is used is displayed.
  • ID (Read-only) - The ID of the message will be displayed.
  • HIG Error No (Read-only) - If the error is also used in Exor V2 modules the V2 error number will be displayed. This is for backward compatibility.
  • Error Text (Required) - The error message text that will be displayed.
  • Possible Cause (Optional) - A brief description of what the possible cause of the error may be.

Update the Error text and/or Possible Cause values as required and click Save to update the record.