AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Cross References (Type 12) Tab

The Cross References (Type 12) tab is read-only. There are two types of Cross References: Explicit and Derived. To access this tab:
  1. In the map view, after you have clicked the Start Spatial Edits button and selected the layer to edit, select an ESU using one of the selection methods described here: Selections. This opens the Selection Results dialog.

  2. Click the Show Details button associated with the desired ESU . This opens the NSG form in another browser tab.

  3. Click the Cross References (Type 12) tab.

Explicit Cross References

Cross references are those which are explicitly defined for a Street, i.e., they are not derived based upon common ESU membership. Clicking on the USRN link will display the Cross-referenced Street in a new browser tab so it can be edited. To view the ASD details of a Cross referenced Street, click the associated Details button .

Derived Cross References

Type 2 Cross references are implicitly derived based upon common ESU membership and therefore cannot be added manually by the user. Clicking on the USRN link will display the Cross-referenced Street in a new browser tab so it can be edited. To view the ASD details of a Cross referenced Street, click the associated Details button . This opens the Derived Cross References Attributes dialog.

This dialog is read-only and can not be edited.