AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Height/Width/Weight Restrictions (Type 64) Tab

The Height/Width/Weight Restrictions (Type 64) tab displays a list of Type 64 records. This type of record is designed for general usage and is not a specific street works dataset. These restrictions can restrict the flow of traffic because of height, weight or width restrictions.

To access this tab:
  1. In the map view, after you have clicked the Start Spatial Edits button and selected the layer to edit, select an ESU using one of the selection methods described here: Selections. This opens the Selection Results dialog.

  2. Click the Show Details button associated with the desired ESU. This opens the NSG form in another browser tab.

  3. Click the H/W/W Restrictions (Type 64) tab.

Clicking an item on the list will highlight it in the embedded map.