AECOsim Building Designer Help


In AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition, there have been a number of changes to the way Configuration Files are organized and processed.

Terminology Changes

AECOsim Building Designer V8i AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition
In AECOsim Building Designer V8i, the overall usage of Configuration Files and Configuration Variables was referred to as "Workspaces". The overall usage of Configuration Files and Configuration Variables is now referred to as "Configuration".
The grouping of Configuration Files and Configuration Variables that were used across an entire organization was referred to as the "Site" level. The grouping of Configuration Files and Configuration Variables that are used across an entire organization is now referred to as "Organization" level.
The grouping of files and associated data was referred to as a "Project". The grouping of files and associated data is now referred to as a "WorkSet".
Projects were organized by "User". Selecting a different User had the effect of changing the list of Projects that were available, and also changing the User Preference (.upf) file and User Configuration (.ucf) file in use. The selection of User has been removed from the user interface. Each AECOsim Building Designer user has their own personal .upf file and .ucf file, and it is not affected by selection of other Configuration components.

Folder Structure Differences

In AECOsim Building Designer V8i, the default delivery folder was to a root folder that contained MicroStation, Workspace, and Documentation subfolders. In keeping with the terminology change discussed above, the Workspace folder has been renamed to Configuration. The AECOsim Building Designer V8i, WorkSpace folder included the delivered system data in its System subfolder tree. That was a disadvantage because some of that data is AECOsim Building Designer version specific, so in this release, there is no Configuration\System folder. Its contents have been moved into a subfolder of the MicroStation folder.

Configuration Levels

In AECOsim Building Designer V8i, there were five Configuration Levels. In AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition, two new levels "WorkSpace" and "Role" have been added. Also the "Site" and "Project" levels are renamed to "Organization" and "WorkSet". For details, refer to the topic Levels of Configuration Variables.

Configuration Variable Changes

The following table lists the framework configuration variables in AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition that are either new or have been replaced configuration variables in AECOsim Building Designer V8i:
AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition Configuration Variable AECOsim Building Designer V8i Configuration Variable Description
_USTN_CONFIGURATION _USTN_WORKSPACEROOT Defined to the root directory where user-modifiable Configuration Files are located.
_ USTN_ORGANIZATION _ USTN_SITE Defined to the root directory where organization-wide standards files are located.
_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT   Defined to the root directory where Configuration File of all WorkSpace s are located.
_USTN_WORKSPACEROOT   Defined to the root directory of a particular WorkSpace.
_USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDS   Defined to the root directory where the WorkSpace-wide standards files are located.
_USTN_WORKSPACECFG   The Configuration File that corresponds to one particular WorkSpace.
_USTN_WORKSETSROOT _USTN_PROJECTSROOT , _USTN_PROJECT Defined to the directory where the Configuration Files of all WorkSets of the parent WorkSpace are located.
_USTN_WORKSETROOT _USTN_PROJECTDATA Defined to the parent directory of the Standards and data directories for the WorkSet. By default, it contains your WorkSet's Dgn, Out and Standards subfolders.
_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS   Defined to the root directory where WorkSet standards files are located.
_USTN_WORKSETDGNS   Defined to the directory where the WorkSet design files are located. This Configuration Variable drives the File Open and New dialogs to open into the given folder. Hence, it should point to a single path. If you want the distributed subfolders to be considered as search path for references and links, you can append them to the MS_RFDIR Configuration Variable.
_USTN_WORKSETCFG _USTN_PROJECTCFG The Configuration File that corresponds to one particular WorkSet.

DGN WorkSet and WorkSet Template Files

When a WorkSet is created, both a WorkSet Configuration File (<worksetname>.cfg) and a DGN WorkSet file (<worksetname>.dgnws) are created. For details on the two file types and procedures to upgrade your old .pcf files, refer to the topic DGN WorkSet and WorkSet Template files.