AECOsim Building Designer Help

Configuration Concepts

The AECOsim Building Designer Configuration is a combination of resources, Configuration Files, Configuration Variables, WorkSpaces, and WorkSets that provides a tailored work environment for maximum user productivity.

Configuration Variables are named entities, many of which are used to specify locations for files or directories that contain resources such as level libraries, fonts, and cell libraries. Other Configuration Variables are set to particular values to control certain behaviors within AECOsim Building Designer. Configuration Variables are specified in Configuration Files.

The Configuration is partly specified by system Configuration Files that are delivered with AECOsim Building Designer and indicate the location of system resources that depend on where AECOsim Building Designer is installed on your computer. The remainder of the Configuration is specified by Configuration Files that are customized by your organization for the particular work you are doing. The Configuration Files in the latter category are typically maintained by an administrator in your organization.

Every user organization has specific standards for the resources that are used in designs, and for files are organized in the network. In addition to organization-wide standards, there may be standards and file locations that are appropriate for certain subsets of the overall design work. For example, engineering firms may have clients that specify particular standards, or asset owners might use different standards for different divisions within the organization. The AECOsim Building Designer Configuration is designed to provide the flexibility to meet these varying requirements by defining a hierarchy of Configuration Levels at which Configuration Variables can be defined or augmented. The Configuration Levels and their purpose within the overall Configuration system are explained below.


System Configuration Files are supplied by AECOsim Building Designer and provide default locations for certain resources and defaults for some operational options. Configuration Variables defined at the System level can be overridden by any of the higher priority Configuration Levels. The Configuration Files provided by the system should not be modified by users.


Application Configuration Files are supplied by MicroStation or applications that are layered on MicroStation. They also provide Configuration Variable definitions that establish default locations and behaviors and should not be modified by the user.


Organization-wide standards are specified at the Organization Configuration level. AECOsim Building Designer provides an example folder structure and accompanying standards.cfg file that can be used as-is or customized for your organization.


A " WorkSpace " is a container grouping WorkSets, standards files, and associated Configuration Files that are used in a particular broad context. Different user organizations have different uses for the "WorkSpace" grouping mechanism. Engineering and Architectural firms might use a separate WorkSpace for each of their clients. Asset owners are likely to use a separate WorkSpace for each asset or department. For that reason, the label that appears for WorkSpace in the user interface can be customized. The default value is the neutral "WorkSpace". Each WorkSpace has one or more Configuration File(s) that specify locations for WorkSpace standards and the WorkSets contained within the WorkSpace.

There is an example WorkSpace called "Example" that is delivered with the product.


A " WorkSet " is a logical grouping of files and associated data. Every WorkSet is owned by one WorkSpace. Each WorkSet has one or more Configuration Files that specify locations for the various files that comprise the WorkSet resources and designs. In some cases, it is desirable to override or augment the standards supplied at the Organization and WorkSpace level with standards that are appropriate for a particular WorkSet. That can be accomplished in WorkSet Configuration Files.

The "Example" WorkSpace delivered with the product contains a number of example WorkSets.


Some organizations might want to override or augment standards such as level libraries, cell libraries, or other resources based on a particular user's role within the organization. A Configuration File based on the Role can optionally be provided by the administrator.


The user's particular Configuration Variable settings are stored in his or her personal User Configuration File (.ucf).

You may also refer to the LEARNserver course WorkSpaces and WorkSets.