AECOsim Building Designer Help

CIBSE Heat Gain: Summary report tab

Contains controls used to view a summary report of the CIBSE heat gain calculation results.

Tip: You can open the Results Viewer utility to step through the calculations for displayed results by selecting the result value and clicking for more information (as prompted).

Design basis Used to display key design parameters considered for the CIBSE heat gain calculation. Selecting Design basis in the selector panel (left) updates the reports display panel (right), scrolling to the Design basis display.
  • Location — Displays the project location set for the project in the Properties dialog box’s Properties For: Site panel.
  • Design Day — Displays the day on which the greatest loads are experienced. The design day is used to compute sun positions and solar gains and to calculate the hourly outside dry and wet bulb temperatures using the weather database information for the specified location.
  • Air room design temperature used, no room heat losses are allowed to project totals — Indicates the room inside summer design temperature will be maintained throughout the calculation.
  • Fins are/are not considered — Indicates fins are or are not considered. The use of external shading for gains calculations is set in the Default Manager dialog box’s Simulation run-time control panel.
  • Outside dry bulb, wet bulb — Displays the outside dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. Maximum and minimum design dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures are computed from the Meteorological Office data on the weather database. This defines the design temperatures for the peak month (usually July) and the minimum month (usually January).  Design temperatures for the day of the calculation (eg June 15) are computed by assuming sinusoidal temperature variations through the year, with a peak at July and minimum in January.  The actual design day for the calculation determines the position on the sine wave and hence the maximum and minimum outside dry bulb temperatures.  Wet bulb temperatures are computed hourly, using a similar technique to dry bulb.
  • Room temperatures not allowed to rise — Indicates room temperatures are not allowed to rise higher at the peak hour. If temperatures are allowed to rise, the peak load in the room will be reduced.
  • Rooms included — Displays the number of rooms included in the calculation.
Summary results Summary results give a single line summary for each room showing the peak temperature and time of peak for the room. The data is arranged in the following table:

  • Room ref. — Displays the name of each project room.
  • Peak room loads — Several columns display the total loads at the peak hour of the design day. Each column displays one of the component loads that, when added together, make up the total load. They are:
    • Sensible – The sensible heat gain is made up of components due to solar, fabric, casual and infiltration heat gains. The method used to compute heat gains (the Admittance procedure) involves calculating the average heat gain in a room over 24 hours, then considering the hourly fluctuations in heat gains from the mean. 
    • Latent – The latent heat gain at a particular hour depends on the casual heat gains from people and equipment and the latent gain from infiltration.
    • Total – Displays the sum of the two peak room load components.
  • Time of Peak — Displays the hour in which the greatest loads are experienced.
  • Maximum temp. — Displays the maximum design day temperatures experienced in the each room.
  • Air flow — Displays the air flow rate that would be required by an all air system to offset the heat gains.
Project total results For the sum of all included rooms, the peak heat gain and peak hour will be displayed. The project total loads are produced by adding room loads on an hour-by-hour basis for each of the 24 hours of the design day. The coincident peak hour for all rooms is that hour which has the maximum coincident load. If fresh air loads are specified with the design data, these will be included in the project total loads.

  • Sun Time — Displays the hour of the peak design day from 1 through 24.
  • Outside temp. — Displays the outside temperature for each hour of the design day. The outside temperature is derived from the weather data associated with the project location.
  • Building loads — For all included rooms, heat flow through each exposed wall is computed for each hour of the design day from the wall area, U value, cooling and load temperature differences. The temperature difference value is automatically included in the calculation, and a correction is made for wall color, inside temperature and average outside temperature. The wall color correction is carried out using the wall absorption coefficient to solar radiation. The load is broken down into:
    • Sensible – Displays the building load due to solar, fabric, casual and infiltration heat gains.
    • Latent – Displays the building load due to people and equipment.
  • Fresh air loads — For all included rooms, and for each hour of the design day, fresh air may be introduced locally to rooms, in which case it will affect the room load. Fresh air from the central plant will form part of the supply air and will be a load on the central plant as well. Conditioned primary air will be supplied at the defined supply temperature, with optional supply humidity control. Conditioned primary air will affect both room loads and central plant loads. If conditioned primary fresh air is specified and this fresh air requires heating at the central plant, when the building requires cooling (or vice versa), then the fresh air heat load will be excluded from the central plant loads.
    • Sensible – Displays the fresh air load due to solar, fabric, casual and infiltration heat gains.
    • Latent – Displays the fresh air load due to people and equipment.
  • Plant total loads — Displays the loads originating from the building’s central plant. Fresh air from the central plant will form part of the supply air and will be a load on the central plant. Conditioned primary air will also affect both room loads and central plant loads. The load is broken down into:
    • Sensible – Displays the plant load due to solar, fabric, casual and infiltration heat gains.
    • Latent load – Displays the plant load due to people and equipment.
    • Total – Displays the sum of the two plant load components.
  • Peak coincident plant load: — Displays the total load on the plant at the peak hour. For each included room, the peak heat gain and peak hour is computed. The project total load for all the included rooms are produced by adding room loads on an hour-by-hour basis for each of the 24 hours of the design day. 
    • at [peak hour] h – Displays the peak hour for all rooms which is the hour that has the maximum coincident load.
    • ( [peak load/area] and [peak load/volume] ) – Displays a breakdown of the peak load into:
      • Peak load per unit area
      • Peak load per unit volume
  • Supply air flow rate: — Displays the total supply air flow rate required to handle peak loads on the building.
  • Fresh air flow rate: — Displays the total amount of additional fresh air required to handle peak loads on the building.
    • (Total [number of people] occupants) – Displays the amount of people who occupy the building at peak time.